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Thursday, 13 March, 2025
Last Update 19:38
23:24    |    12/10/2009

The number of women gambling in casino has increased in the past year

Bucharest is the capital with the highest number of casinos in Europe, yet it does not manage to attract too many tourists keen on gambling.  “Eighty per cent of our customers are Romanians or foreign residents.” stated for Bucharest Herald, Andrei Frimescu, the general manager of Casino Palace Bucharest. Open 14 years ago in a historical building, with a great architectural value, the casino has expanded to eight gambling rooms and has developed a wide variety of entertainment shows. The number of customers has increased this year, despite the financial crisis, but the gambled amounts are lower than last year, according to Andrei Frimescu.

BH: What event is Casino Palace celebrating this October?

Andrei Frimescu: Casino Palace and Casa Vernescu restaurant, which are part of Queence Leisure International (QLI) are celebrating this year 14 years of activity in this location, on Calea Victoriei No 133. This anniversary is a tradition and an occasion to remember the beginning moments and to make a balance of the evolution during the 14 years.  

BH: What is the history of this location and what architecture design and structure changes were made during the 14 years?

Andrei Frimescu: It is one the few casinos in Romania that benefits of such a location with such a great historic an architectural value.  Casa Vernescu restaurant opened in a house declared architecture and history monument and 14 years ago it was refurbished. Now it is a luxury restaurant where French and Asian dishes are served in the two saloons. The restaurant has an independent existence, receiving all kinds of customers, but at the same time the main customer is Casino Palace. The casino only had three gambling rooms in 1995 when it opened. At present there are eight gambling rooms, partitioned on two floors, 24 gambling tables and almost 100 slot machines.

BH: Isn’t the location of a casino in a historical building unusual?

Andrei Frimescu: It’s not something out of the ordinary, on the contrary. The casinos in Monte Carlo and Badden are located in buildings with high architectural value, representative for Europe. The building of the casino in Constanta, which is also part of the QLI chain, the most representative building in the city was built to host a casino. For the gamblers to have a good experience, this is the appropriate level of the services, the location, the design and the events. Unlike the building in Constanta, this building was not aimed to host a casino and a restaurant and because it’s a historical monument we had to adjust the technical solutions respecting and protecting the architecture.

BH: What is the secret of success that makes this casino different from the competition?

Andrei Frimescu: Our customers do not only have access to games, but also to various entertainment solutions. We organized over 35 painting exhibitions with works of the Romanian contemporary painters. We are also organizing fashion parades, live music shows. The variety of entertainment options helps us attract the customers. The mix of games is also very important.

BH: What changes has the crisis caused in the customers and revenues structure?

Andrei Frimescu: In the first trimester of the year the revenues increased compared with the first trimester of 2008. The decline occurred in the second trimester, but it didn’t take us by surprise, because we made our plans for 2009 depending on what we noticed at global level, based on the experience of the other casinos in the world, part of QLI chain. Our main target was to keep our customers, which we managed very well, because we registered an even higher number of customers than last year.  We registered a very good visit frequency, even if the gambling budgets declined, which caused a 15 to 20 per cent decline in our revenues, against last year. It is yet to been seen what will happen by the end of the year, because by definition the casinos have a very good frequency in Bucharest between October and March, during the cold season. The frequency is lower during the holidays.  

BH: Are there resemblances between the casinos in Romania and those abroad?

Andrei Frimescu: The comparisons between the countries are difficult to make, because there are many differences at legislative level. There is no unitary approach at European level, each country has its own set of rules. But the casinos in all the countries posted losses during the crisis. The law banning smoking was enforced in many countries and generated losses between 30 and 35 per cent in the revenues. For us it was easy to adapt to this law, because we have many rooms and some of them are for smokers and others are for non- smokers.

BH: What kind of customers come to the casino and what is the ratio between men and women?  

Andrei Frimescu: I’ve noticed that the number of women who gamble has increased in the past years and has kept rising this year and the average age has gone down a little. The legal age limit for gambling is 18 and the customers can be divided in three age segments: 45 to 50, the most numerous segment, customers over 50 who come to the casino more for socializing, company and to feel in a secure and comfortable environment and the young gamblers segment. As regards the nationality, 80 per cent of the customers are Romanians or residents living in Romania. There is no tourism in Romania developed around the casinos, foreigners who come to Romania for gambling.

BH: Can the casino be considered an exclusive destination, addressing only the luxury customers?

Andrei Frimescu: Not if we are talking about Casino Palace, because we have a very varied gambling range. The minimum amount for gambling in the slot machines is 5 bani and on this amount anybody can have a gambling budget. The casino can be considered a luxury destination through design and decorations, but there are no financial or social limits in terms of gambling.

BH: How difficult is it for a player to cheat in a casino?

Andrei Frimescu:  All the casinos have a video surveillance system and security staff.  Moreover there is a very good communication among the casinos, there is a data base with the names of the people who have tried to cheat and who don not have access in the casino. In 14 years of activity we faced childish attempts to cheat. But those who are trying to cheat get to the police.  

Andrei Frimescu : Numarul femeilor care joaca la casino a crescut in ultimul an

Bucurestiul este capitala cu cele mai multe casino-uri din Europa, cu toate acestea nu reuseste sa atraga prea multi turisti pasionati de jocurile de noroc. “Optzeci la suta dintre clientii nostri sunt romani sau straini rezidenti.” a declarat pentru Bucharest Herald, Andrei Frimescu, directorul general al Casino Palace Bucuresti. Deschis in urma cu 14 ani intr-o cladire istorica, cu o mare valoare arhitecturala, casino-ul s-a extins la opt saloane de joc si a dezvoltat o varietate mare de programe de divertisment. Numarul de clienti a crescut anul acesta, in pofida crizei financiare, insa sumele jucate sunt mai mici decat anul trecut, potrivit lui Andrei Frimescu.

BH: Ce eveniment sarbatoreste Casino Palace in luna octombrie?

Andrei Frimescu: Casino Palace si restaurantul Casa Vernescu, care fac parte impreuna din compania Queence Leisure International (QLI) aniverseaza anul acesta 14 de ani de activitate in aceasta locatie, pe Calea Victoriei Nr 133. Aceasta aniversare este o traditie si un prilej de a rememora momentele de inceput si de a face un bilant al evolutiei pe parcursul celor 14 ani.

BH: Care este istoricul acestei locatii si ce schimbari de arhitectura, design si structura au intervenit pe parcursul celor 14 ani?

Andrei Frimescu: Este unul dintre putinele casino-uri din tara care beneficiaza de o asemenea locatie cu o valoare istorica si arhitecturala deosebita. Restaurantul Casa Vernescu a fost deschis intr-o casa declarata monument de arhitecura si istorie, iar in urma cu 14 ani se afla intr- o renovare de amploare. Acum este un restaurant de lux unde se servesc, in cele doua saloane si specialitati frantuzesti si un meniu asiatic. Restaurantul are o viata independenta, primeste clienti de toate felurile, dar in acelasi timp principalul client este Casino Palace. Casino-ul avea in 1995, la deschidere doar trei saloane de joc. In prezent exista opt saloane de joc, repartizate pe doua etaje, 24 de mese de joc si aproape 100 de slot machines.

BH: Nu este neobisnuita localizarea unui casino intr-o cladire istorica?

Andrei Frimescu: Nu este ceva iesit din comun, dimpotriva. Casino-urile din Monte Carlo si Badden sunt localizate in cladiri istorice de o mare valoare arhitecturala, embleme ale Europei. Cladirea Casino-ului din Constanta, care face parte tot din lantul QLI, cea mai reprezentativa cladire din oras a fost construita pentru a gazdui un casino. Pentru experienta jucatorilor, acesta este nivelul la care trebuie sa se prezinte serviciile, locatia, decorul si evenimentele. Spre deosebire de cladirea din Constanta, aceasta cladire nu a fost destinata sa gazduiasca un casino si un restaurant si, in condititiile in care este monument istoric, a trebuit sa adaptam solutiile tehnice respectand si protejand arhitectura.

BH: Care este secretul succesului, care va diferentiaza de concurenta?

Andrei Frimescu: Clientii nostri beneficiaza nu doar de jocuri, ci si de diverse forme de divertisment. Am organizat peste 35 de expozitii cu lucrari ale pictorilor romani contemporani. Organizam si prezentari de moda, show-uri de muzica live. Varietatea de solutii de divertisment ne ajuta sa atragem clienti. Mix-ul de jocuri este de asemenea foarte important.

BH: Ce schimbari a produs criza financiara la nivelul clientelei si al veniturilor?

Andrei Frimescu: In primul trimestru al anului veniturile au crescut, comparativ cu primul trimestru al lui 2008. Scaderea a intervenit in al doilea trimestru, insa nu ne-a luat prin surprindere, pentru ca ne-am facut planurile pentru 2009 in functie de ceea ce observam ca se intampla la nivel mondial, pe baza experientei celorlalte casino-uri din lume care fac parte din lantul QLI. Obiectivul nostru principal a fost sa ne pastram clientii, ceea ce am reusit foarte bine, pentru ca am inregistrat un numar chiar mai mare de vizitatori decat anul trecut. Am inregistrat o frecventa de vizitare foarte buna, chiar daca bugetul de joc a scazut, ceea ce a produs o reducere a veniturilor noastre cu 15- 20 la suta comparativ cu anul trecut. Ramane de vazut ce se va intampla pana la sfarsitul anului pentru ca prin definitie  casino-urile au o frecventa buna in Bucuresti in intervalul octombrie- martie, sezonul rece. Prin comparatie in perioada vacantelor frecventa este mai redusa.

BH: Exista asemanari intre casino-urile din Romania si cele din strainatate?

Andrei Frimescu: Comparatiile intre tari sunt greu de facut, pentru ca sunt multe diferente la nivel legislativ. Nu exista o abordare unitara la nivel European, fiecare tara are propriul set de reguli. Insa casino-urile din toate tarile au inregistrat scaderi in aceasta perioada de criza. In mai multe tari a aparut legea care interzice fumatul in casino-uri si care a generat scaderi de 30- 35 la suta ale veniturilor. Pentru noi a fost usor sa ne adaptam la aceasta lege, pentru avem multe saloane si unele dintre ele sunt pentru fumatori, altele pentru nefumatori.

BH: Ce gen de clienti vin la casino si care este raportul intre barbati si femei?

Andrei Frimescu: Am observat ca proportia femeilor care joaca a crescut in ultimii ani si a continuat sa creasca si anul acesta, iar media de varsta a scazut usor. Limita legala pentru a juca este de 18 ani, iar clinetii pot fi impartiti in trei segmente de varsta: 45- 50 de ani, segmentul cel mai bine reprezentat, clientii peste 50 de ani care vin mai mult pentru socializare, companie si pentru ca se simt intr-un un mediu sigur si confortabil si segmentul jucatorilor tineri. In ceea ce priveste nationalitate clientilor, 80 la suta sunt romani sau rezidenti in Romania. Nu se poate vorbi despre un turism de casino, straini care vin in Romania cu scopul declarat de a juca in casino-uri.

BH: Poate fi considerat casino-ul o destinatie exclusivista, care se adreseaza numai clientelei de lux?

Andrei Frimescu: Nu daca este vorba despre Casino Palace, pentru ca avem o gama de pariuri foarte variate.  La slot machines suma minima care poate fi pariata este 5 bani si la aceasta suma oricine poate sa isi faca un buget de joc. Casino-ul poate fi considerat o destinatie de lux prin ambient si décor, insa din punct de veder al jocului nu exista bariere financiare.

BH: Cat de greu este pentru un jucator sa triseze intr-un casino?

Andrei Frimescu:  Toate casino-urile au un sistem de supraveghere realizat cu ajutorul camerelor de filmat si la nivelul personalului. In plus exista o comunicare foarte buna intre casino-uri, exista o baza de date cu persoane care au incercat sa triseze si pe care nu le primim in casino. In 14 ani de activtate ne-am confruntat cu incercari puerilede a trisa. Dar cei care incearca sa triseze ajung la politie.

The number of women gambling in casino has increased in the past year

Bucharest is the capital with the highest number of casinos in Europe, yet it does not manage to attract too many tourists keen on gambling.  “Eighty per cent of our customers are Romanians or foreign residents.” stated for Bucharest Herald, Andrei Frimescu, the general manager of Casino Palace Bucharest. Open 14 years ago in a historical building, with a great architectural value, the casino has expanded to eight gambling rooms and has developed a wide variety of entertainment shows. The number of customers has increased this year, despite the financial crisis, but the gambled amounts are lower than last year, according to Andrei Frimescu.

BH: What event is Casino Palace celebrating this October?

Andrei Frimescu: Casino Palace and Casa Vernescu restaurant, which are part of Queence Leisure International (QLI) are celebrating this year 14 years of activity in this location, on Calea Victoriei No 133. This anniversary is a tradition and an occasion to remember the beginning moments and to make a balance of the evolution during the 14 years.  

BH: What is the history of this location and what architecture design and structure changes were made during the 14 years?

Andrei Frimescu: It is one the few casinos in Romania that benefits of such a location with such a great historic an architectural value.  Casa Vernescu restaurant opened in a house declared architecture and history monument and 14 years ago it was refurbished. Now it is a luxury restaurant where French and Asian dishes are served in the two saloons. The restaurant has an independent existence, receiving all kinds of customers, but at the same time the main customer is Casino Palace. The casino only had three gambling rooms in 1995 when it opened. At present there are eight gambling rooms, partitioned on two floors, 24 gambling tables and almost 100 slot machines.

BH: Isn’t the location of a casino in a historical building unusual?

Andrei Frimescu: It’s not something out of the ordinary, on the contrary. The casinos in Monte Carlo and Badden are located in buildings with high architectural value, representative for Europe. The building of the casino in Constanta, which is also part of the QLI chain, the most representative building in the city was built to host a casino. For the gamblers to have a good experience, this is the appropriate level of the services, the location, the design and the events. Unlike the building in Constanta, this building was not aimed to host a casino and a restaurant and because it’s a historical monument we had to adjust the technical solutions respecting and protecting the architecture.

BH: What is the secret of success that makes this casino different from the competition?

Andrei Frimescu: Our customers do not only have access to games, but also to various entertainment solutions. We organized over 35 painting exhibitions with works of the Romanian contemporary painters. We are also organizing fashion parades, live music shows. The variety of entertainment options helps us attract the customers. The mix of games is also very important.

BH: What changes has the crisis caused in the customers and revenues structure?

Andrei Frimescu: In the first trimester of the year the revenues increased compared with the first trimester of 2008. The decline occurred in the second trimester, but it didn’t take us by surprise, because we made our plans for 2009 depending on what we noticed at global level, based on the experience of the other casinos in the world, part of QLI chain. Our main target was to keep our customers, which we managed very well, because we registered an even higher number of customers than last year.  We registered a very good visit frequency, even if the gambling budgets declined, which caused a 15 to 20 per cent decline in our revenues, against last year. It is yet to been seen what will happen by the end of the year, because by definition the casinos have a very good frequency in Bucharest between October and March, during the cold season. The frequency is lower during the holidays.  

BH: Are there resemblances between the casinos in Romania and those abroad?

Andrei Frimescu: The comparisons between the countries are difficult to make, because there are many differences at legislative level. There is no unitary approach at European level, each country has its own set of rules. But the casinos in all the countries posted losses during the crisis. The law banning smoking was enforced in many countries and generated losses between 30 and 35 per cent in the revenues. For us it was easy to adapt to this law, because we have many rooms and some of them are for smokers and others are for non- smokers.

BH: What kind of customers come to the casino and what is the ratio between men and women?  

Andrei Frimescu: I’ve noticed that the number of women who gamble has increased in the past years and has kept rising this year and the average age has gone down a little. The legal age limit for gambling is 18 and the customers can be divided in three age segments: 45 to 50, the most numerous segment, customers over 50 who come to the casino more for socializing, company and to feel in a secure and comfortable environment and the young gamblers segment. As regards the nationality, 80 per cent of the customers are Romanians or residents living in Romania. There is no tourism in Romania developed around the casinos, foreigners who come to Romania for gambling.

BH: Can the casino be considered an exclusive destination, addressing only the luxury customers?

Andrei Frimescu: Not if we are talking about Casino Palace, because we have a very varied gambling range. The minimum amount for gambling in the slot machines is 5 bani and on this amount anybody can have a gambling budget. The casino can be considered a luxury destination through design and decorations, but there are no financial or social limits in terms of gambling.

BH: How difficult is it for a player to cheat in a casino?

Andrei Frimescu:  All the casinos have a video surveillance system and security staff.  Moreover there is a very good communication among the casinos, there is a data base with the names of the people who have tried to cheat and who don not have access in the casino. In 14 years of activity we faced childish attempts to cheat. But those who are trying to cheat get to the police.  

Andrei Frimescu : Numarul femeilor care joaca la casino a crescut in ultimul an

Bucurestiul este capitala cu cele mai multe casino-uri din Europa, cu toate acestea nu reuseste sa atraga prea multi turisti pasionati de jocurile de noroc. “Optzeci la suta dintre clientii nostri sunt romani sau straini rezidenti.” a declarat pentru Bucharest Herald, Andrei Frimescu, directorul general al Casino Palace Bucuresti. Deschis in urma cu 14 ani intr-o cladire istorica, cu o mare valoare arhitecturala, casino-ul s-a extins la opt saloane de joc si a dezvoltat o varietate mare de programe de divertisment. Numarul de clienti a crescut anul acesta, in pofida crizei financiare, insa sumele jucate sunt mai mici decat anul trecut, potrivit lui Andrei Frimescu.

BH: Ce eveniment sarbatoreste Casino Palace in luna octombrie?

Andrei Frimescu: Casino Palace si restaurantul Casa Vernescu, care fac parte impreuna din compania Queence Leisure International (QLI) aniverseaza anul acesta 14 de ani de activitate in aceasta locatie, pe Calea Victoriei Nr 133. Aceasta aniversare este o traditie si un prilej de a rememora momentele de inceput si de a face un bilant al evolutiei pe parcursul celor 14 ani.

BH: Care este istoricul acestei locatii si ce schimbari de arhitectura, design si structura au intervenit pe parcursul celor 14 ani?

Andrei Frimescu: Este unul dintre putinele casino-uri din tara care beneficiaza de o asemenea locatie cu o valoare istorica si arhitecturala deosebita. Restaurantul Casa Vernescu a fost deschis intr-o casa declarata monument de arhitecura si istorie, iar in urma cu 14 ani se afla intr- o renovare de amploare. Acum este un restaurant de lux unde se servesc, in cele doua saloane si specialitati frantuzesti si un meniu asiatic. Restaurantul are o viata independenta, primeste clienti de toate felurile, dar in acelasi timp principalul client este Casino Palace. Casino-ul avea in 1995, la deschidere doar trei saloane de joc. In prezent exista opt saloane de joc, repartizate pe doua etaje, 24 de mese de joc si aproape 100 de slot machines.

BH: Nu este neobisnuita localizarea unui casino intr-o cladire istorica?

Andrei Frimescu: Nu este ceva iesit din comun, dimpotriva. Casino-urile din Monte Carlo si Badden sunt localizate in cladiri istorice de o mare valoare arhitecturala, embleme ale Europei. Cladirea Casino-ului din Constanta, care face parte tot din lantul QLI, cea mai reprezentativa cladire din oras a fost construita pentru a gazdui un casino. Pentru experienta jucatorilor, acesta este nivelul la care trebuie sa se prezinte serviciile, locatia, decorul si evenimentele. Spre deosebire de cladirea din Constanta, aceasta cladire nu a fost destinata sa gazduiasca un casino si un restaurant si, in condititiile in care este monument istoric, a trebuit sa adaptam solutiile tehnice respectand si protejand arhitectura.

BH: Care este secretul succesului, care va diferentiaza de concurenta?

Andrei Frimescu: Clientii nostri beneficiaza nu doar de jocuri, ci si de diverse forme de divertisment. Am organizat peste 35 de expozitii cu lucrari ale pictorilor romani contemporani. Organizam si prezentari de moda, show-uri de muzica live. Varietatea de solutii de divertisment ne ajuta sa atragem clienti. Mix-ul de jocuri este de asemenea foarte important.

BH: Ce schimbari a produs criza financiara la nivelul clientelei si al veniturilor?

Andrei Frimescu: In primul trimestru al anului veniturile au crescut, comparativ cu primul trimestru al lui 2008. Scaderea a intervenit in al doilea trimestru, insa nu ne-a luat prin surprindere, pentru ca ne-am facut planurile pentru 2009 in functie de ceea ce observam ca se intampla la nivel mondial, pe baza experientei celorlalte casino-uri din lume care fac parte din lantul QLI. Obiectivul nostru principal a fost sa ne pastram clientii, ceea ce am reusit foarte bine, pentru ca am inregistrat un numar chiar mai mare de vizitatori decat anul trecut. Am inregistrat o frecventa de vizitare foarte buna, chiar daca bugetul de joc a scazut, ceea ce a produs o reducere a veniturilor noastre cu 15- 20 la suta comparativ cu anul trecut. Ramane de vazut ce se va intampla pana la sfarsitul anului pentru ca prin definitie  casino-urile au o frecventa buna in Bucuresti in intervalul octombrie- martie, sezonul rece. Prin comparatie in perioada vacantelor frecventa este mai redusa.

BH: Exista asemanari intre casino-urile din Romania si cele din strainatate?

Andrei Frimescu: Comparatiile intre tari sunt greu de facut, pentru ca sunt multe diferente la nivel legislativ. Nu exista o abordare unitara la nivel European, fiecare tara are propriul set de reguli. Insa casino-urile din toate tarile au inregistrat scaderi in aceasta perioada de criza. In mai multe tari a aparut legea care interzice fumatul in casino-uri si care a generat scaderi de 30- 35 la suta ale veniturilor. Pentru noi a fost usor sa ne adaptam la aceasta lege, pentru avem multe saloane si unele dintre ele sunt pentru fumatori, altele pentru nefumatori.

BH: Ce gen de clienti vin la casino si care este raportul intre barbati si femei?

Andrei Frimescu: Am observat ca proportia femeilor care joaca a crescut in ultimii ani si a continuat sa creasca si anul acesta, iar media de varsta a scazut usor. Limita legala pentru a juca este de 18 ani, iar clinetii pot fi impartiti in trei segmente de varsta: 45- 50 de ani, segmentul cel mai bine reprezentat, clientii peste 50 de ani care vin mai mult pentru socializare, companie si pentru ca se simt intr-un un mediu sigur si confortabil si segmentul jucatorilor tineri. In ceea ce priveste nationalitate clientilor, 80 la suta sunt romani sau rezidenti in Romania. Nu se poate vorbi despre un turism de casino, straini care vin in Romania cu scopul declarat de a juca in casino-uri.

BH: Poate fi considerat casino-ul o destinatie exclusivista, care se adreseaza numai clientelei de lux?

Andrei Frimescu: Nu daca este vorba despre Casino Palace, pentru ca avem o gama de pariuri foarte variate.  La slot machines suma minima care poate fi pariata este 5 bani si la aceasta suma oricine poate sa isi faca un buget de joc. Casino-ul poate fi considerat o destinatie de lux prin ambient si décor, insa din punct de veder al jocului nu exista bariere financiare.

BH: Cat de greu este pentru un jucator sa triseze intr-un casino?

Andrei Frimescu:  Toate casino-urile au un sistem de supraveghere realizat cu ajutorul camerelor de filmat si la nivelul personalului. In plus exista o comunicare foarte buna intre casino-uri, exista o baza de date cu persoane care au incercat sa triseze si pe care nu le primim in casino. In 14 ani de activtate ne-am confruntat cu incercari puerilede a trisa. Dar cei care incearca sa triseze ajung la politie.

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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