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15:57    |    09/05/2012

Benihana – Japanese tradition, at the heart of the capital at Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Bucharest

Located downtown Bucharest, on the first floor of Hotel Howard Johnson Grand Plaza, Benihana Restaurant offers authentic Japanese teppanyaki cuisine, in addition to an exquisite sushi bar. During its 7-year history on the culinary scenery of  Bucharest, Benihana Restaurant has become a milestone for the lovers of Japanese cuisine, standing out through the amazing mix of tradition and innovation and through the unique “eatertainment” concept (bringing eating and entertainment together). Benihana's food preparation methods set it apart from other restaurants, as it has no conventional kitchen. Instead, chefs prepare dishes on a “hibachi” table, around which up to eight guests can be seated.

The Bucharest branch of the world-renowned Benihana chain fully recreates the distinct oriental atmosphere representative for the brand. The general atmosphere is supported by the dark colors of woodwork, the dominant shate being that of African wood essence Wenge, which covers the floor and the walls and is also found in the color of Japanese-inspired furniture items.

The teppan culinary show is held against the background of the interior design: the collection of traditional Japanese ceramic pots made by Aisaku Suzuki, the authentic kimonos, the fine calligraphy of the haikus on the lighting spots signed Ingo Maurer, the two Gustav Klimt reproductions., the Limoges cutlery.

Skillful Asian chefs prepare the food right in front of your eyes, at the hibachi tables, offering an authentic teppan show, an „eatertainment” experience.

Benihana is a representative restaurant for what is known as a “culinary experience.
 A stop at Benihana is much more than just a lunch or dinner, it is an entertaining show in which the guests interact with chefs and the fellow revelers (teppan tables have eight seats).

This is a show that can offer some varied tricks: the chef catches the salt shaker in his hat, he makes music on spice jars, he cuts through an egg in flight with the palette knife, he triggers eruptions in onion volcanoes. The mood around teppan tables is always friendly, jokes are told and friendships come to life.

We invite you to discover the unique experience of Japanese cuisine, with its outstanding personality of simple, yet refined flavors, presented in an effervescent and surprising show.

Benihana Restaurant 

Address: 5-7 Calea Dorobantilor, Sector 1, Bucharest

Reservations at: 021 201 50 30

Capacity: 80 seats



Benihana - traditie japoneza, in centrul Capitalei la  Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Bucharest

Situat in centrul Bucurestiului, la primul etaj al Hotelului Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Bucharest, restaurantul Benihana va ofera bucatarie japoneza teppanyaki autentica, precum si un bar sushi.  Cu o traditie de peste 7 ani in peisajul culinar bucurestean, restaurantul Benihana din cadrul hotelului Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Bucharest este  un punct de referinta pentru iubitorii bucatariei japoneze, evidentiindu-se prin conceptul unic de “eatertainment” -mancare excelenta si distractie laolalta. Metodele de preparare a mancarii diferentiaza acest restaurant de altele, din moment ce nu are o bucatarie conventionala. Bucatarii gatesc pe o masa hibachi, in jurul careia pot fi asezati pana la opt oaspeti.

Varianta bucuresteana a celebrului lant de restaurante japoneze Benihana recreeaza acel cadru oriental specific marcii. Atmosfera generala este data de cromatica inchisa a finisajelor, nuanta predominanta fiind cea a esentei africane de lemn Wenge care imbraca nu doar pardoseala, ci si peretii si se regaseste si in culoarea mobilierului de factura japoneza.

Spectacolul gastronomic teppan este atent incadrat de scenografia interiorului: colectia de vase de ceramica traditionale japoneze, realizate de artistul Aisaku Suzuki, kimono-urile autentice, caligrafia haiku-urilor scrise pe abajurul corpurilor de iluminat semnate Ingo Maurer, cele doua reproduceri semnate Gustav Klimt, vesela de Limoges.

Bucatari asiatici de clasa mondiala pregatesc mancarea chiar in fata dumneavoastra, la mesele hibachi, oferindu-va un veritabil spectacol teppan, intr-un regal al simturilor.

Benihana este un restaurant reprezentativ pentru ceea ce se numeste “experienta culinara”. O vizita la Benihana inseamna mult mai mult decat un pranz sau o cina, ea inseamna un spectacol interactiv, in care oaspetii  interactioneaza cu bucatarii dar si  cu comesenii (mesele teppan au 8 locuri).

Este un spectacol in care te poti astepta la cele mai variate giumbuslucuri: bucatarul prinde solnita in palarie, canta la borcanele de condimente, despica un ou in aer cu muchia paletei de gatit, starneste eruptii din vulcani de ceapa.Atmosfera in jurul meselor teppan este mereu foarte prietenoasa, se spun multe glume, se leaga prietenii.

Va invitam sa descoperiti experienta unica a bucatariei japoneze, cu personalitatea sa inconfundabila, cu aromele rafinate prin insasi simplitatea lor, prezentata intr-un spectacol efervescent si surprinzator.

Restaurantul Benihana

Adresa: Calea Dorobantilor, nr. 5-7, Sector 1, Bucuresti.

Tel. Rezervari: 021 201 50 30.

Capacitate: 80 de locuri

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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