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Last Update 19:38
00:12    |    25/01/2010

Silver engagement rings with semiprecious stones "outshining" solitary diamonds

The traditional gold engagement ring with a solitary diamond has started to be out of fashion. The question long awaited by every single woman can be accompanied just as well by a silver ring with a semiprecious stone. Romanian women are more and more attracted by the idea of wearing on their ring finger a different engagement ring, with a colored stone. “Initially the gentlemen were reticent about buying a silver engagement ring. But lately they have started to buy more and more rings with amethyst or with other stones they know their fiancées like.” told Bucharest Herald, Alexandra Popescu, the general manager of jewels retailer Oxette Romania.

B.H: What is the trend on the jewels market this year?

Alexandra Popescu: The star colors of 2010 are electric blue and warm shades of green, which are also present in the clothes fashion. Violet is present everywhere, because the ladies love the amethyst, a very elegant stone. During the winter holidays the ladies looked especially for jewels with crystals, which could make them shine in the eyes of the gentlemen.

B.H: How perceptive are men to the idea of offering a piece of jewel as a present to a lady?

Alexandra Popescu: Men are very perceptive. They buy especially sets of jewels: earrings or bracelets and pendants. Initially they were reticent about buying a silver engagement ring. But lately they have started to buy more and more silver engagement rings with amethysts or other jewels their fiancées like. 

B.H: What are the materials used for Oxette jewels? 

Alexandra Popescu: The jewels are made of silver 925 and semiprecious stones and a small number of them, the jewels for men and the unisex jewels are made of stainless steel. The watches are also made of stainless steel combined with semiprecious stones, crystals and non-conventional jewels and they can be worn like jewels. All the jewels are kept in rhodium or in gold bath. The rhodium is the most expensive metal of all the precious metals, more expensive than platinum, having the same color as silver, but with a higher reflection power than silver. It cannot be attacked by acids and oxides, so the jewels kept in rhodium bath do not oxidize and look shiny.

B.H: How long is the guarantee term of these jewels kept in gold bath?

Alexandra Popescu: If all the conditions in the guarantee certificate are respected, they can remain in a very good shape up to 20 years, considering that our jewels contain two microns of gold and each year 0.1 microns are lost. We ensure post guarantee service also and the guarantee term is two years.

B.H: What kind of stones do the Oxette jewels contain?

Alexandra Popescu: We sell only jewels with semiprecious stones. Among the stones, the most popular are: turquoise, agate, onyx, amethyst, chalcedony, fluorite, quartz with intrusions, rhodolite and many types of crystals. Besides the jewels we also sell in Oxette stores accessories, such as gloves, fur collars, bags, trinkets.

B.H: How many collections of jewels are launched during the year?

Alexandra Popescu: We have two large collections: spring- summer and autumn-winter with a very large variety, 600 products in each collection. Besides, two other flash collections are launched, including another 200 products. Each collection is inspired by the architectural elements of various tourism destinations, such as the collections Marrakech, Taj Mahal and Royal Mirage.

B.H: What kind of jewels do the Romanian women buy?

Alexandra Popescu: Romanian women buy earrings most of all, but the necklaces have also been in demand lately.  Oxette is different from other retailers, because it does not sell small jewels, devoid of personality, it only sells large, extravagant jewels, which can be worn by everybody on one condition: the buyers should not be afraid to express their personality with the help of jewels. This is why we are addressing customers between 20 and 45. Of course there are also ladies over 45, with a lot of attitude, who can wear our jewels without any problem.

B.H: You are talking about customers with incomes over the average...

Alexandra Popescu: The average price of an Oxette piece of jewel is 70- 80 Euro, but we also have items that cost 10 Euro, and unique products, especially necklaces, sold on 1,500 Euro. In the end, the most important thing is to identify ourselves with the piece of jewel we are wearing, to feel when we try it on that it is ours.

B.H: What is the history of Oxette in Greece?

Alexandra Popescu: Oxette was set up in Greece and expanded on the international market in 1998. When they launched the jewels brand, the owners already had a 20 year experience in the luxury watches design, for various international and Greek fashion houses. The first store opened in Salonic, where the headquarters of the company is also located.

B.H: How did the brand reach Romania?

Alexandra Popescu: Oxette entered Romania in 2003, through Casa del Arte store, where it had a corner with jewels. The first Oxette store opened in franchise in the country in 2004, inside Plaza Romania mall. The next stores opened inside Tomis Mall Constanta, in the extension of Bucharest Mall and in Baneasa Shopping City. The newest store opened inside City Park Mall Constanta last December. In 2009 we also set a corner with Oxette jewels inside Hondos Center store in AFI Palace Cotroceni mall. The cities targeted for openings in 2009 are Cluj and Timisoara.

B.H: What is the investment in the opening of a store?

Alexandra Popescu: The investment depends a lot on the space, but I can tell you an approximate amount, which includes: the location, the furniture and the jewels- between 120,000 and 140,000 Euro.


Inelele de logodna din argint cu pietre semipretioase "eclipseaza" diamantele solitaire

Traditionalul inel de logodna din aur cu un diamant solitaire, cu cat mai multe carate, a inceput sa se demodeze. Intrebarea mult asteptata de orice femeie necasatorita poate fi insotita la fel de bine si de un inel din argint cu o piatra semipretioasa. Romancele sunt din ce in ce mai atrase de idea de a purta pe inelar un inel de logodna diferit, cu o piatra colorata. “Initial domnii erau reticenti la ideea de inel de logodna din argint. Dar in ultima perioada au inceput sa cumpere din ce in ce mai multe inele cu ametist sau cu alte pietre semipretioase care stiu ca sunt pe placul iubitelor lor” a declarat pentru Bucharest Herald, Alexandra Popescu, manager general al retailerului de bijuterii Oxette Romania ( 

B.H: Care este trendul in materie de bijuterii iarna aceasta?

Alexandra Popescu: Culorile vedeta ale iernii 2010 sunt albastru electric si nuante calde de verde, care se regasesc si in vestimentatie. Violetul este nelipsit, pentru ca doamnelor le place foarte mult ametistul, o piatra foarte eleganta. In perioada sarbatorilor de iarna doamnele au cautat in special bijuterii cu cristale, care sa le faca sa straluceasca in ochii domnilor.

B.H: Cat de receptivi sunt domnii la ideea de bijuterie- cadou pentru doamne?

Alexandra Popescu: Domnii sunt foarte receptivi. Cumpara in special seturi de bijuterii: cercei sau bratari cu pandantiv. Initial erau reticenti la ideea de inel de logodna din argint. Dar in ultima perioada au inceput sa cumpere din ce in ce mai multe inele de logodna din argint cu ametist sau cu alte pietre care stiu ca sunt pe placul iubitelor dansilor.

B.H: Din ce materiale sunt confectionate bijuteriile?

Alexandra Popescu: Bijuteriile sunt din argint 925 si pietre semipretioase, si o mica parte, cele pentru barbati si cele unisex sunt din otel inoxidabil. Si ceasurile sunt tot din otel  inoxidabil in combinatii cu pietre semipretioase, cristale si materiale neconventionale, fiind niste ceasuri bijuterie. Toate bijuteriile sunt tinute in baie de rodiu sau in baie de aur. Rodiul este cel mai scump metal din categoria metalelor pretioase, mai scump si decat platina, de culoarea argintului, dar cu o putere de reflectie a luminii mai mare decat argintul si care nu poate fi atacat de catre acizi si nu formeaza oxizi, astfel ca bijuteriile tinute in baie de rodiu nu oxideaza si capata un aspect alb lucios.

B.H: Ce garantie au aceste bijuterii tinute in baie de aur?

Alexandra Popescu: Daca se respecta toate conditiile din certificatul de garantie ele pot avea o valabilitate de pana la 20 de ani in stare foarte buna, avand in vedere ca bijuteriile noastre contin doi microni de aur si in fiecare an se pierd 0,1 microni. Noi asiguram oricum si service post garantie, garantia fiind de 2 ani la orice produs achizitionat.

B.H: Ce fel de pietre contin bijuteriile Oxette?

Alexandra Popescu: Sunt bijuterii cu pietre semipretioase exclusiv. Printre pietrele folosite cel mai des intalnim: turcoaz, agat, onix, ametist, calcedonie, fluorit, cuartul cu intruziuni, rutolit si foarte multe cristale. Pe langa bijuterii mai comercializam in magazinele Oxette si accesorii precum manusi, gulere de blana, genti, brelocuri.

B.H: Cate colectii de bijuterii sunt lansate pe an?

Alexandra Popescu: Avem doua colectii mari: primavara- vara si toamna- iarna cu o varietate extrem de mare, 600 de produse in fiecare colectie. Pe langa acestea mai sunt lansate si alte doua flash colectii, care includ alte 200 de produse. Fiecare colectie se inspira din elementele arhitecturale ale unor destinatii turistice, locatii interesante, spre exemplu colectiile Marrakech, Taj Mahal si Royal Mirage.

B.H: Ce fel de bijuterii cumpara romancele?

Alexandra Popescu: Romancele cumpara in primul rand cercei, dar in ultima vreme si colierele sunt foarte solicitate. Oxette se diferentiaza prin faptul ca nu are bijuterii mici, lipsite de personalitate, ci doar bijuterii mari, extravagante, care pot fi purtate de toate persoanele, cu conditia sa aiba curaj, sa nu le fie teama sa iti exprimi personalitatea cu ajutorul bijuteriilor. De aceea ne adresam mai mult segmentului de varsta 20- 45 de ani. Bineinteles exista si doamne cu varste de peste 45 de ani, cu foarte multa atitudine, carora li se potrivesc de minune bijuteriile noastre.

B.H: Este vorba in special de clienti cu venituri peste medie...

Alexandra Popescu: Valoarea medie a unui produs Oxette este de 70- 80 de Euro, avem insa si produse de 10 Euro, dar si unicate, in special coliere, la pretul de 1.500 de Euro. Pana la urma cel mai important este sa te identifici cu produsul care iti place, sa simti atunci cand il probezi ca este al tau.

B.H: Care este istoricul Oxette in Grecia?

Alexandra Popescu: Oxette a aparut in Grecia si s-a extins pe piata internationala in 1998. In momentul in care au lansat brand-ul de bijuterii, proprietarii aveau deja o experienta de 20 de ani in design-ul ceasurilor de lux, pentru diferite case de moda internationale si grecesti. Primul magazin a fost deschis in Salonic, unde se si afla sediul central al companiei.

B.H: Cum a ajuns brand-ul in Romania?

Alexandra Popescu: Oxette a venit in Romania in 2003, prin intermediul magazinului Casa del Arte, unde a avut un corner cu bijuterii. Primul magazin Oxette deschis in sistem de franciza in tara, a fost in 2004, in interiorul mall-ului Plaza Romania. Urmatoarele magazine s-au deschis in Tomis Mall Constanta, in extensia Bucuresti Mall si in Baneasa Shopping City.  Cel mai recent magazin este cel din City Park Mall Constanta deschis in luna decembrie a anului trecut. Tot in  2009 am amenajat un corner cu bijuteriile Oxette in interiorul magazinului Hondos Center din AFI Palace Cotroceni. Pentru 2010 orasele vizate sunt Cluj si Timisoara.

B.H: La cat se ridica investitia in deschiderea unui magazin?

Alexandra Popescu: Investitia depinde foarte mult si de spatiu, dar va pot da o suma aproximativa, care include: amenajare locatie, mobilier si marfa ridicandu-se la 120.000 – 140.000 de Euro.




Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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