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02:04    |    29/10/2009

Romania has a special kind of magic for me which will never disappear

Sandra Ann Lauer or the Pop Queen of the 80s, as she is known around the world, will perform in Bucharest on November 6, as part of a tour to promote her most recent album "Back to Life". Ahead of the event, Sandra gave an exclusive interview to Bucharest Herald, in which she speaks of the time when she was married to Romanian Michael Cretu, but also about what followed, about the divorce and also about her current love story. All these are part of the elements that inspired her for the new album, which is already a real success in Europe. And to 80s nostalgists who will want to listen to her live at the Palace Hall, Sandra has a message: “I will always sing my hits 'Maria Magdalena' or 'In the Heat of the Night'.”





BH: You have been to Romania several times, what did you find interesting in our country? What did you like most?
Sandra:  I always enjoyed such a warm welcome, I like the way people approach each other, people look into each others' eyes more and even quick conversations are deeper than I’m used to. The country has a certain magic for me which will never go away. I hope I'll come more often.

BH: What kind of audience do you expect at the Bucharest concert, considering that you have started to become succesfull in the '80s?

Sandra:  My audience is always a wide mix of ages:  fans who grew with my music and their kids and cousins who discover it. I'm always amazed and it's making an artist most happy to reach everyone, this is our mission.

BH: What is the story behind the album "Back to Life"? Does it brings a change to your usual style?

Sandra: My life has changed a lot: new love, more back to earth, I'm relearning the beauty of the little things in life, I'm more balanced than ever.

BH: In Bucharest will you also sing the songs that made you famous or will you only promote the “Back to Life” album?

Sandra: I will always pay tribute to my big hits like “Maria Magdalena” or “In the Heat of the Night”. They made me a star and I still love performing them. This time with my all brand new life band, you'll be surprised how powerful the new versions are. Of course we also play new songs - it will be an even mix.

BH: How has your style evolved in the past years? Who are the composers you are working with?

Sandra: On the recent album I've received lots of benefit of my producer Jens Gad's move to NYC, USA. The whole album was partly recorded there, his brother Toby Gad, who just wrote Beyonce's  “If I Were a Boy” wrote many of the songs. Also German writer Axel Breitung wrote a song for me. I've opened up to more teamwork and am very proud of the result.

BH: What is your favourite song on this album? What about your favourite song in your entire career?
Sandra:  I love “Kiss Me” - it's rawness and speed. Also “What if” is a beautiful peace, of course “I Want You” about my new love, all this is completely new terrain for me. My all time favourte  is “Secret Land”, it's pretty much how I feel.

BH: What does the collaboration with Francesco Napoli mean?

Sandra: It's a great way to be introduced to a new big star and be on the same stage. I always love to learn and meet great people and I like what I heard so far. So I'm really looking forward!

BH: What did you do during the time when you stayed far from the audience's attention?

Sandra: It was my pregnancy and kids that kept me busy for some years. I didn't want to be a halfhearted mum, so I decided to stop for some time and my kids my number one topic. They have grown up and are incredibly strong and selfcontained now. i can slowly go back to my music.

BH: What do you know about Romanian music and about the quality of this music?

Sandra: I love the Romanian folk music. My former husband played me some of it and I heard it myself when we travelled there.  It's a very warm and human sound.

BH: What did you adopt from the Romanian life style during your marriage with Michael Cretu? Did you learn to cook Romanian dishes, do you know some words in Romanian?
Sandra: Well I learned some words but am not quite sure what they mean, so I'm a bit careful of saying them, the language is very difficult to learn for me. But I heard it a lot and think I can understand the topic when I listen to a conversation.

Tickets were released and can be purchased for prices ranging between 80 and 250 lei, based on the location of the seat, Project Events announced.Tickets can be purchased from the Palace Hall and from Diverta stores, the Muzica stores and online, on and are available in the following categories: VIP – 250 lei, first category – 200 lei, second category – 170 lei, third category – 140 lei, fourth category – 110 lei, fifth category – 80 lei.



Sandra:  Romania are o anumita magie pentru mine, care nu va disparea niciodata

Sandra Ann Lauer sau Regina Muzicii Pop a anilor 80, cum este recunoscuta in intreaga lume va concerta la Bucuresti , pe 6 noiembrie, in cadrul turneului de promovare al ultimului sau album "Back to Life". In intampinarea evenimentului, Sandra a acordat un interviu in exclusivitate pentru Bucharest Herald, in care vorbeste despre perioada,  in care a fost casatorita cu romanul Michael Cretu, dar si despre ceea ce a urmat, dupa divortul de acesta si despre povestea de dragoste pe care o traieste in prezent. Toate acestea sunt parte din elementele care au inspirit-o pentru noul album si care deja in Europa se bucura de un real succes. Iar pentru nostalgicii anilor 80, care vor  dori sa o asculte live la Sala Palatului, Sandra are un mesaj  : "Voi canta intotdeauna hit-urile mele “Maria Magdalena” sau “In the Heat of the Night”.




BH: Ati fost in Romania de cateva ori, ce v-a placut cel mai mult?  
Sandra:  M-am bucurat intotdeauna de o primire foarte calda, imi place felul in care oamenii comunica, oamenii se uita mai mult unii in ochii altora si chiar discutiile rapide sunt mai profunde decat sunt eu obisnuita.  Tara are o anumita magie pentru mine, care nu va disparea niciodata. Sper ca voi veni mai des.

BH: Ce fel de public asteptati la spectacolul de la Bucuresti, avand in vedere ca ati experimentat succesul in anii '80?
Sandra:  Publicul meu are varste diverse:  fani care au crescut cu muzica mea si copii si verii lor care au descoperit-o. Sunt uimita intotdeauna si un artist este foarte fericit cand reuseste sa ajunga la toata lumea, aceasta este misiunea noastra.  

BH: Care este povestea din spatele albumului "Back to Life" (Inapoi la viata)? Aduce schimbari in stilul dumneavoastra care v-a consacrat?
Sandra: Viata mea s-a schimbat mult: am o dragoste noua, sunt mult mai realista, invat frumusetea lucrurilor marunte in viata, sunt mai echilibrata ca niciodata.  

BH: Veti canta la Bucuresti si cantecele care v-au facut celebra sau veti promova doar albumul “Back to Life”?

Sandra: Voi canta intotdeauna hit-urile mele “Maria Magdalena” sau “In the Heat of the Night”. M-au facut celebra si inca imi place foarte mult sa le cant. De data aceasta, cu trupa mea noua care canta live, veti fi surprinsi sa vedeti cat de puternice sunt versiunile noi. Desigur cantam si cantece noi- va fi chiar un mix.

BH: Cum a evoluat stilul dumneavoastra in ultimii ani? Cine sunt compozitorii cu care lucrati?

Sandra: In ceea ce priveste cel mai recent album, am beneficiat de mutarea producatorului meu Jens Gad la New York City, SUA. Albumul a fost inregistrat partial aici, fratele lui  Toby Gad, care i-a scris lui Beyonce piesa  “If I Were a Boy” a scris multe dintre cantece. Si textierul german Axel Breitung a scris versurile unui cantec pentru mine. Sunt mai deschisa catre munca in echipa si sunt foarte mandra de rezultate.

BH: Care este cantecul dumneavoastra favorit de pe acest album? Dar cantecul preferat din intreaga cariera?  
Sandra:  Imi place foarte mult “Kiss Me” – este fresh si rapid. Si “What if” este o piesa frumoasa, desigur “I Want You” despre noua mea dragoste, este un teren complet nou pentru mine. Preferatul meu din toate timpurile este “Secret Land”, pentru ca exprima cam tot ceea ce simt.

BH: Ce inseamna colaborarea cu Francesco Napoli?

Sandra: Este un mod extraordinar de a cunoastre o vedeta noua si sa fim pe aceeasi scena. Imi place intotdeauna sa invat si sa cunosc oameni extraordinari si imi place ce am auzit pana acum.  Asa ca astept cu nerabdare!

BH:  Ce ati facut in perioada in care ati stat departe de atentia publicului?  
Sandra: Sarcina si copiii m-au tinut ocupata cativa ani. Nu am vrut sa fiu mama pe jumatate, asa ca am decis sa ma opresc o perioada si copiii au devenit prioritatea mea numarul unu. Au crescut si sunt incredibil de puternici si independenti acum. Ma pot reintoarce incet la muzica mea.

BH: Ce stiti despre muzica romaneasca si despre calitatea ei?  

Sandra: Imi place folclorul romanesc. Fostul meu sot mi-a cantat cateva cantece si am auzit chiar eu cateva cand am calatorit aici. Are o tonalitate foarte calda si umana.  

BH: Ce ati adoptat din stilul de viata romanesc in timpul mariajului cu Michael Cretu? Ati invatat sa gatiti feluri de mancare romanesti, stiti cateva cuvinte in limba romana?  

Sandra: Am invatat cateva cuvinte, dar nu sunt foarte sigura ce inseamna, asa ca ma feresc sa le spun, limba este foarte greu de invatat pentru mine. Dar am auzit-o foarte mult si cred ca pot intelege subiectul cand ascult o discutie.

Biletele au fost puse în vânzare si  au preţuri cuprinse între 80 şi 250 de lei in functie de impartirea in sala, informeaza compania Project Events.Biletele pot fi achiziţionate de la casieria Sălii Palatului, de la magazinele Diverta, de la magazinul Muzica şi online de pe şi sunt impartite astfel: VIP - 250 lei, Categoria I - 200 de lei, Categoria II - 170 de lei, Categoria III - 140 lei,Categoria IV - 110 lei, Categoria V - 80 lei.

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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