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00:28    |    21/09/2009

An efficient diet must be held on long term, include sports and exclude weight loss pills

The esthetics standards imposed by the society determin more and more Romanians to hold diets to reach the appropriate weight according to the height, age and sex. In an attempt to get rapidly the expected results, many jeopardize their health through restrictive diets and weight loss pills, instead of sports and an individual diet program, drawn up by a nutritionist. In these cases, the diets are repeated endlessly and the pounds pile up rapidly, instead of disappearing.  Dr. Alin Popescu, specialized in nutrition and sports medicine will present through some weekly articles for Bucharest Herald, all the steps that must be followed in a diet, to lose weight healthy and keep the results on long term.

BH: How important is the presence of the nutritionist in the process of losing weight and what are the most frequent mistakes people make when starting a diet, without seeing a specialist?

Dr. Alin Popescu: I think the presence of the nutritionist is important in the first 10 - 12 weeks. Then things get normal. There are two major mistakes: people do not include the physical exercises in their daily schedule and use all kinds of pills to lose weight, thinking that they can replace a balanced diet.

BH: How does the first consultation take place and based on which factors do you draw up a diet for somebody who wants to lose weight?

Dr. Alin Popescu: The first consultation is important first of all due to the anamnesis. It is extremely important for me to find out the nutrition habits of the patient at that moment. What, how and especially when that person eats. The first changes I make are related to the food quantity and to setting up a rigid nutrition program.

What are the main nutrition issues Romanians face and how open are they to changing their diet for a more balanced and healthy one?  

Dr. Alin Popescu: The wrong nutrition is mainly a tradition issue, which extends to the mentality as well. It is extremely important to become aware of some simple truths: in order to be efficient and healthy the diet is a long lasting process. It is impossible to lose weight in a short time without risking serious body imbalances. Today there is enough scientific knowledge in terms of quantity and quality, accumulated and verified, which allows a modification of the body weight, while keeping the health. Respecting a diet is a will effort, which we must make consciously, with perseverance and involvement. And last but not least, if we know why we have to do certain things within a diet, we are more motivated to do them.

BH: Are women more receptive than men to diets or the ratio is equal?

Dr. Alin Popescu: The women- men ratio is clearly in women’s favor.  I have at least three explanations for this: a bigger concern for the physical aspect, the pregnancies and the births and the possibility to respect the indicated diet.

BH: What type of patients do you have and how do you motivate them to respect your indications?  

Dr. Alin Popescu: Those who do not respect the indications take the responsibility of the evolution of their issue. But generally, over 80 per cent of the patients respect my indications. I have two types of patients: sports players, most of which are rugby players, but also regular people, with an average age, university degrees mostly, middle or upper financial situation.

BH: Do you also recommend the presence of a psychologist, who ca treat the depression caused by depriving the body of endorphin production, throughout the diet? Are their diets that do not cause depression, not even during the time when the body gets used to the new nutrition program?

Dr.Alin Popescu: It is clear that not all the diets cause depression. On the other hand the pace of our lives often requires the presence of a psychologist, not necessarily related to a weight loss diet. It is ideal for an active person, with multiple family and professional responsibilities to make time to see a therapist once or twice a week. The presence of a psychologist is important even in the case of the sports players, including in the competitions.

BH: You are specialized in three areas: physics- chemistry, sports medicine and psychology. How did you decide to focus on sports medicine and nutrition?

Dr. Alin Popescu: I have been practicing sports medicin and nutrition for over 8 years and for 7 years I have been collaborating with FRRugby, as doctor of the national senior team. I have graduated from two master classes: one in sanitary management and the second in the management of the sports training. My focus on this area was triggered by the passion and the wish to  “escape” the hospital environment.

BH: What percentage of your activity is represented by traumatology and  what percentage is covered by nutrition and how do you manage to combine them?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Sports traumatology accounts for 30 per cent of my activity and nutrition, represents around 30 per cent as well. There are obviously other aspects, such as sports medication, problems related to recovery, anti-doping etc.

How can those who want to learn how to eat healthy and lose the extra pounds, contact you?

Dr. Alin Popescu: The easiest way is via e-mail, or by phone if it is an emergency situation. All the details can be found at the “contact” section on my personal blog-

Dr. Alin Popescu: O dieta eficienta trebuie sa fie de durata, sa includa exercitii fizice zilnice si sa excluda pastilele de slabit

Standardele estetice impuse de societate ii determina pe tot mai multi romani sa tina diete de slabire pentru a atinge greutatea potrivita in raport cu inaltimea, varsta si sexul. In incercarea de a obtine rezultatele dorite rapid si cu cat mai putine eforturi, multi isi pun sanatatea in pericol optand pentru regimuri restrictive si pastile de slabit, in locul sportului si al unei diete individualizate, intocmita de un nutritionist. In aceste cazuri curele de slabire sunt repetate la infinit, iar kilogramele, in loc sa dispara, se acumuleaza cu rapiditate. Dr. Alin Popescu, specializat in nutritie si medicina sportiva va prezenta prin intermediul unor articole saptamanale in Bucharest Herald, toti pasii care trebuie urmati intr-o dieta, pentru a slabi sanatos si a mentine rezultatele pe termen lung.

BH: Cat de importanta este prezenta nutritionistului in procesul de slabire si care sunt greselile cele mai frecvente pe care le fac oamenii cand incep o dieta, fara a consulta un specialist?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Cred ca prezenta nutritionistului este importanta in primele 10 - 12 saptamani. Apoi lucrurile intra pe un fagas normal. Sunt doua greseli majore: nu se include exercitiul fizic in programul zilnic si se folosesc tot felul de pastile de slabit in ideea ca acestea ar putea inlocui un regim alimentar echilibrat.

BH: Cum se deruleaza prima consultatie la nutritionist si pe baza caror factori intocmiti o dieta, pentru o persoana care isi doreste sa slabeasca?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Prima consultatie este importanta in primul rand datorita anamnezei. Este extrem de important sa aflu obiceiurile alimentare ale pacientului in acel moment. Ce, cum, cat si mai ales cand mananca respectiva persoana. Si primele modificari pe care le fac sunt legate de cantitatile de mancare si de stabilirea unui program rigid de masa.

BH: Care sunt principalele probleme de nutritie cu care se confrunta romanii si cat de deschisi sunt spre schimbarea regimului alimentar cu unul echilibrat si sanatos?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Alimentatia gresita este, in mare masura, o problema de traditie, care intra si in mentalitate. Este extrem de importanta constientizarea unor adevaruri simple: dieta, pentru a fi eficienta si sanatoasa, este un proces de durata. Nu se poate slabi intr-o perioada scurta, fara a risca grave dezechilibre ale organismului. Astazi exista suficiente cunostinte stiintifice calitative si cantitative, acumulate si verificate, care permit o modificare a greutatii in sensul dorit, in conditii de mentinere a sanatatii. Respectarea unei diete este un efort de vointa, pe care trebuie sa-l facem constient, perseverent si participativ.  Si, nu in ultimul rand, daca stim de ce trebuie sa facem anumite lucruri in cadrul unei diete, suntem poate mai motivati sa le facem.

BH: Femeile sunt mai receptive decat barbatii sau raportul este egal?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Raportul femei- barbati este clar in favoarea femeilor. Am cel putin trei explicatii pentru acest fapt: o mai mare grija fata de aspectul exterior, sarcinile si nasterile si posibilitatea de a respecta ulterior regimul alimentar indicat.

BH: Ce tip de pacienti aveti si cum ii determinati sa respecte cu strictete indicatiile dumneavoastra?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Cine nu respecta indicatiile preia responsabilitatea evolutiei problemei sale. Dar in general, peste 80 la suta dintre pacienti respecta indicatiile mele. Am doua tipuri de pacienti: sportivi, dintre care, firesc, majoritatea sunt practicanti ai rugby-ului si persoane obisnuite, cu varsta medie, studii frecvent superioare, situatie financiara medie sau foarte buna.

BH: Recomandati si prezenta unui psiholog pe durata dietei, care sa trateaza depresia cauzata de privarea de anumite elemente care stimuleaza productia de endorfine? Exista diete care nu produc depresie, nici macar in perioada in care organismul se obisnuieste cu noul regim?

Dr.Alin Popescu: E limpede ca nu toate dietele produc depresie. Pe de alta parte ritmul vietii noastre cere deseori prezenta unui psiholog, nu neaparat legata de o cura de slabire. Este ideal ca o persoana activa, cu multiple responsabilitati familiale si profesionale, sa aiba o data sau de doua ori pe saptamana ragazul de a se intalni cu un psiholog. Chiar si in cazul sportivilor, prezenta unui psiholog langa echipa, inclusiv in competitie, este, indiscutabil, benefica.

BH: Sunteti specializat in trei domenii: fizica- chimie, medicina sportiva si psihologie. Cum ati decis sa va dedicati medicinii sportive si nutritiei?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Practic medicina sportiva si nutritia de peste 8 ani de zile si de 7 ani colaborez cu FRRugby, 4 ani fiind medicul echipei nationale de seniori. Am absolvit doua mastere: unul in management sanitar si al doilea in managementul antrenamentului sportiv. Dedicatia mea pentru acest domeniu a venit din pasiune si din dorinta de a "evada" din mediul spitalicesc.

BH: Cat la suta din activitatea dumneavoastra reprezinta traumatologie si cat nutritie si cum reusiti sa impacati aceste domenii?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Traumatologie sportiva reprezinta 30 la suta din activitate, iar nutritia tot in jur de 30 la suta. Mai sunt, evident, si alte aspecte care intervin in activitatea zilnic: medicatia efortului sportiv, probleme legate de recuperare si refacere, antidoping etc.

BH: Cum va pot contacta cei care isi doresc sa invete sa se hraneasca sanatos si sa scape de kilogramele in plus?

Dr. Alin Popescu: Cel mai usor ma pot contacta prin mail. Sau telefonic daca e o situatie urgenta. Toate detaliile se pot gasi la sectiunea "contact" de pe blogul meu personal -

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cu George Grigoriu
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