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13:27    |    23/09/2011

Israeli ambassador to Romania about Palestinian statehood: We expect Romania to back our cause

The Israeli Embassy in Romania, through the voice of Ambassador Dan Ben Eliezer on Wednesday denounced the Palestinian unilateral statehood bid at the UN as a “premature act” that cannot bring peace to the region. “My message to our Palestinian neighbors: you cannot evade the unavoidable. You cannot become a state without Israel. You cannot pretend that we don’t exist and that you can do without us. We have to have talks!” Dan Ben Eliezer said, according to HotNews.

The Israeli Ambassador in Bucharest, Dan Ben Eliezer told a press conference on Wednesday that the Israeli state supports resumption of negotiations with Palestinian authorities and that the unilateral statehood bid Palestinian authorities want to submit to the UN at the end of the week is “a premature act” that cannot bring peace to the region.

“The unilateral declaration of the Palestinian state is a premature act that does not respect international legislation and rules for peace and is not in line with agreements between Israel and Palestinian territories,” Eliezer said.

The Israeli envoy said “Israel does not oppose the idea of a Palestinian state, but this can be achieved only by direct negotiations. You can’t have it any other way. It can’t be done by a unilateral decision, it must be achieved by negotiations.”

“Negotiations are the only method to solve the central problems of our conflict. The borders, Jerusalem, refugees, water, safety and state recognition – none of these problems can be solved by a UN resolution. None of them,” Eliezer said, adding that a unilateral declaration of statehood would only “undermine current UN resolutions on peace in the Middle East and would violate any bilateral agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.”

The Israeli ambassador also said that while preparing “this unilateral declaration, the Palestinians signed a reconciliation agreement with Hamas, a known terrorist organization. (…) Supporting a Palestinian unilateral declaration as long as Hamas is a partner of the Palestinian Authority stands as de facto international recognition of Hamas legitimacy.”

The Israeli diplomat admitted however that the Palestinian statehood bid could receive a majority vote in the UN General Assembly, but this “would not bring along independence for the Palestinians. It will be only a symbolic victory.”

As for how Romania will vote on the matter in the UN General Assembly, the Israeli ambassador said he expects our country to share Israel’s point of view.

“Romania does not support a unilateral Palestinian action at the UN. I think, and the Romanian state also thinks, that such a Palestinian move is counterproductive for the regional peace process. We expect Romania to back our cause. And it’s not for our sake or the sake of the Palestinians, but for the sake of peace in the region,” Eliezer added.


Ambasadorul  Israelului in Romania despre recunoasterea Palestinei ca stat: Ne asteptam ca Romania sa ne sustina cauza

Amabasada Israelului in Romania, prin vocea ambasadorului Dan Ben Eliezer, a denuntat, miercuri, declaratia unilaterala a statului palestinian pe care autoritatile vor sa o sustina la ONU la finele saptamanii ca fiind "un act prematur" care nu poate aduce pacea in zona. "Mesajul meu pentru vecinii nostri palestinieni: nu puteti evada de inevitabil. Nu puteti deveni un stat fara Israel. Nu puteti sa va prefaceti ca nu existam si ca va puteti descurca fara noi. Trebuie sa discutam!", a spus Dan Ben Eliezer, conform HotNews.

Ambasadorul Israelului la Bucuresti, Ben Dan Eliezer, a declarat, miercuri, in cadrul unei conferinte de presa, ca statul israelian  sustine revenirea la masa negocierilor cu autoritatile palestiniene si ca declaratia unilaterala a statului palestinian pe care autoritatile vor sa o sustina la ONU la finele saptamanii este "un act prematur" care nu poate aduce pacea in zona.

"Declaratia Unilaterala a statului Palestinian este un act prematur, unul care nu respecta legea internationala si regulile internationale pentru pace si care nu este conforma cu intelegerile dintre Israel si Palestina", a declarat Eliezer.

Ambasadorul israelian a declarat ca "Israelul nu se opune ideii unui stat Palestinian, dar acest lucru poate fi atins doar prin negocieri directe. Nu se poate altfel. Nu se poate printr-o decizie unilaterala, ci trebuie infaptuit prin negocieri."

"Negocierile sunt singura metoda prin care putem rezolva problemele centrale ale conflictului nsotru. Granitele, Ierusalimul, refugiatii, apa, siguranta si recunoasterea statului - nici una dintre aceste probleme nu pot fi rezolvate printr-o rezolutie ONU. Niciuna", a mai precizat Eliezer, mentionand ca o declaratie unilaterala nu ar face altceva decat sa "submineze rezolutiile ONU deja existente in materie de pace in orientul Mijlociu si ar viola orice intelegere bilaterala intre Israel si palestinieni".

Ambasadorul israelian a amintit si de faptul ca in timp ce au pregatit "aceasta declaratie unilaterala, palestinienii au semnat un acord de reconciliere cu Hamas, o organizatie terorista recunoscuta. (...) Sustinand o declaratie unilaterala palestiniana atata timp cat Hamas este un partener al Autoritatii Palestiniene constituie recunoasterea internationala de facto a legitimitatii Gamas".

Reprezentantul diplomatiei israeliene in Romania a recunoscut totusi ca declaratia unilaterala a statului Palestinian poate primi votul majoritatii in Adunarea Generala ONU, dar ca acest lucru "nu va aduce independenta pentru palestinieni. Va fi doar o victorie simbolica".

Referitor la modul cum va vota Romania in cadrul Adunarii Generale a ONU pe aceasta chestiune, ambasadorul israelian a declarat ca se asteapta ca tara noastra sa impartaseasca viziunea Israelului.

"Romania nu sustine o miscare unilaterala a Palestinei la ONU. Eu cred, la fel cum si statul roman crede, ca o astfel de miscare din partea palestinienilor este contraproductiva procesului de pace in zona. Ne asteptam ca Romania sa ne sustina cauza. Si nu e de dragul nostru sau de dragul palestinienilor, ci de dragul pacii in zona", a precizat Dan Ben Eliezer.

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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