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22:30    |    17/03/2009

Tough competition between local and international cosmetics brands(2)

Cosmetics market will be less exposed to the financial crisis’ effects, as investments in cosmetics are on short term. Romanian cosmetics, which have lived after the 1989 Revolution in the shadow of the international famous brands, can gain now ground, through low prices and a varied offer, close to the international offer in terms of quality. In the current economic context, on a market which in 2008 reached a 40 million Euro value, the Romania consumer will pay much more attention to the choices made and will invest in quality products, the general manager of Farmec Mihaela Turdean stated in exclusivity for Bucharest Herald.

BH: Do producers and retailers reduce the prices to increase the sales number?

Mihaela Turdean:  Farmec products are acknowledge on the market as high quality products on correct prices.  We have always tried to bring to our consumers exceptional quality at reasonable prices and I can say this was one of the company’s advantage over the years. As far as we are concerned I can say that the products’ prices will not drop and will be maintained in the best case. We must consider the increase of the Euro exchange rate and the fact that 80 per cent of row materials are imported.

BH:  Why are creams based on collagen and elastine very expensive considering that these ingredients do not have the power to penetrate the skin and the creams only have a hydrating, not restructuring effect?

Mihaela Turdean: The creams within Farmec portfolio that contain collagen and elastine can be acquired for prices ranging between 20 and 25 RON. The elastine and collagen fragments have marine origin,they are very reach in amino acids which ensure the restructuring of the collagen and elastine fibers deteriorated by the age. The transport to the hypoderme is ensured by a cosmetic poduct and by the presence of some other ingredients with synergetic action. 

BH: Has Romanian consumers’ confidence in the local producers started to grow or there is still  a big gap between the quality of Romanian products and the quality of international products? What advantages do Romanian cosmetics have compared to international ones?

Mihaela Turdean: The constant development of the Romanian cosmetics market has had a positive consequence on the education of the consumer, who has become more selective and has learned that a foreign or a very expensive product does not necessarily have a high quality. In the past few years, Romanian producers have increased a lot the standards of their products, creating competition to the imported products. Moreover the local offer has become more varied and specialised to cover a more diverse demand.

BH: Are there perspectives for the relaunching and growth of the local cosmetics market? Under which circumstances can this happen, considering the difficulties faced to enter the large retail chains dominated by luxury brabds?

Mihaela Turdean: Local cosmetics industry has developed in the past years and has started to compete the imported offer. The change was also determined by the consumer, who is more educated and has begun to appreciate constant quality.

BH: What are the main countries to which Romanian cosmetics are exported?

Mihaela Turdean: As far as we are concerned many of the brands we own are well known abroad as well and they are exported in Europe, Asia and North America. Farmec owns the brands Gerovital H3 Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, Gerovital Plant, Aslavital, Farmec, Aslamed, Doina, Obsesie, Athos and Dermofarm.

Farmec tinteste in 2009 afaceri de 24,62 milioane Euro, in crestere cu 5 la suta fata de 2008

Piata cosmeticelor va fi expusa mai putin efectelor crizei financiare, intrucat cosmeticele nu reprezinta o investitie pe termen lung. Cosmeticele autohtone, ramase dupa Revolutia din 1989  in umbra   brand-urilor internationale de renume, pot castiga teren in aceasta perioada prin preturi mici si o oferta variata si apropiata de cea internationala. In contextul economic actual, pe o piata care in 2008 a atins valoare de 40 de milioane de Euro, consumatorul roman va fi mult mai atent la alegerile pe care le face si va investi in produse de calitate superioara, a declarat in exclusivitate pentru Bucharest Herald, directorul general al Farmec, Mihaela Turdean

BH: Exista tendinta producatorilor si comerciantilor de a reduce preturile pentru a creste numarul vanzarilor?

Mihaela Turdean: Produsele Farmec sunt recunoscute in piata ca produse foarte bune calitativ la un pret corect . Intotdeauna ne-am straduit sa aducem consumatorului calitate exceptionala la preturi rezonabile, si pot spune ca acesta a fost un atu al firmei de-a lungul anilor. In ceea ce ne priveste pot spune ca preturile  produselor nu se vor reduce, in cel mai bun caz vor ramane aceleasi . Trebuie sa avem in vedere cresterea cursului Euro, si faptul ca peste 80 la suta din materiile prime sunt importate.

BH: Care sunt motivele pentru care cremele pe baza de diverse ingrediente, precum colagen si elastina, sunt foarte scumpe, avand in vedere ca aceste ingrediente nu au forta de a patrunde in piele si cremele au doar efect hidratant si nu restructurant?

Mihaela Turdean: Cremele din portofoliul Farmec in compozitia carora exista colagen si elastina au preturi de raft cuprinse intre 20-25 RON. Fragmentele  de elastina si colagen sunt de origine marina, sunt foarte bogate in aminoacizi care ajung pana in hipoderm si asigura restructurarea fibrelor de colagen si elastina deteriorate odata cu inaintarea in varsta. Transportul pana in hipoderm, este asigurat de baza produsului cosmetic precum si de prezenta altor ingredienti cu care actioneaza sinergic.

BH: A inceput sa creasca increderea cumparatorilor in producatorii romani sau exista inca un decalaj mare intre calitatea produselor romanesti si calitatea produselor internationale? Ce avantaje au cosmeticele romanesti, comparativ cu cele internationale?

Mihaela Turdean: Dezvoltarea constantă a pieţei cosmeticelor din România a avut drept consecinţă pozitivă o mai bună educare a consumatorului, care a devenit mai selectiv şi a învăţat că un produs străin sau un produs foarte scump nu oferă în mod obligatoriu calitate. În ultimii ani, producătorii români au ridicat foarte mult standardele produselor realizate, fâcând concurenţă produselor din import. În plus, oferta autohtonă a devenit mai variată şi mai specializată, pentru a acoperi o cerere cât mai diversă.

BH: Exista perspective de relansare si crestere a industriei autohtone a cosmeticelor? In ce conditii avand in vedere dificultatile intampinate pentru a patrunde in marile lanturi de magazine, dominate de marcile de lux?

Mihaela Turdean: Industria autohtonă a cosmeticelor s-a dezvoltat în ultimii ani şi a început să facă concurenţă ofertei de import. Schimbarea vine şi dinspre consumator, care este mai educat şi începe să aprecieze calitatea constantă. Ne susţin afirmaţia cotele de piaţă înregistrate în fiecare trimestru, care ne poziţionează în topul vânzărilor pe anumite segmente.

BH: Care sunt principalele tari catre care se exporta cosmetice romanesti?

Mihaela Turdean: În ceea ce ne priveşte, multe dintre mărcile pe care le deţinem sunt cunoscute şi în afara ţării, făcând parte din producţia exportată în ţări din Europa, Asia şi America de Nord. Farmec deţine mărcile Gerovital H3 Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, Gerovital Plant, Aslavital, Farmec, Aslamed, Doina, Obsesie, Athos şi Dermofarm.

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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