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Friday, 14 March, 2025
Last Update 19:38
02:59    |    12/04/2010

"Fabulous... incredible... a dream-like evening... true magicians on ice...!"

"Fabulous... incredible... a dream-like evening... true magicians on ice..." - these are just a few of the impressions shared by almost 3,000 people when leaving Bucharest's Flamaropol skating rink after they chose to spend their Sunday evening in the company of the world's best skaters, in the third edition of Kings on Ice 2010 - Olympic Tour show.

The show seemed almost unreal, from beginning to end, and running for almost two hours: in the warm applause of a frenetic audience, which echoed and lived each and every movement made by the 16 ice magicians.

Figure skating czar Evgheni Plushenko - who seemed to have come to Bucharest to get back at the world for the Olympic gold injustice he suffered in Vancouver. The pretty, elegant Stephane Lambiel - who triggered endless applause with his almost unreal steps and pirouettes.

Gracious Aliona and Robin who completed each other impeccably. 20-year-old Florent Amodio, who wanted to prove how a perfect 'Moonwalk' on ice goes.

"Wild beauties" Natalie Pechalat and Fabian Bourzat, who turned ice into jungle and tamed the crocodile. "Ballerina" Denis Ten, whose name will be printed in several newspapers for many years to come.

Julia Sebestyen, who insisted on showing why she became European champion in 2004. Fiona Zaldua and Dmitri Sukhanov, who literally left an entire audience breathless with their extreme, yet so well controlled performance. The seductress Fleur Maxwell, who turns the ice into a catwalk.

The funny Alexei Polishuk and Robert Cording, or the Ukrainian and the American who wanted to show the audience that Laurel and Hardy can be just as good on ice. Sergei Yakimenko, for whom cars were not invented for travel purposes, but for deadly jumps over them. Jason Graetz, the rubber legged Canadian, who defies gravity. And all of them accompanied by the ever-present Edvin Marton and his four million Euro-Stradivarius violin, with its unmistakable sound.

Every move that the magnificent 16 did was fully rewarded by the audience with applause and flowers, many flowers. Impressed with the audience response, Plushenko couldn't help telling Romanians, "You are the best in the world," while Lambert exclaimed: "Je suis ici pour la premiere fois et vous etes IN-CRO-YAB-LES! Incroyables!"

This was a show full of magic and adrenaline, with an almost impeccable organization. Yes, I know what I said, impeccable, even if many of you will have a hard time believing me because we're so used to Romanian realities, but Raluca Popescu's Amphitrion has become a guarantee for quality, although few known the price of this very high bar.

Unfortunately, not even this girl's stubbornness to turn ashes into rose petals (many of us would have one or two lessons to learn from her) can cover for the lack of a proper ice show hall or the stupidity of security guards who cannot tell the difference between a professional camera and a family one. BGS knows what I'm talking about. (G.G.)

Kings on Ice 2010, Bucuresti :“Fabulos … incredibil ... o  seara de vis … adevarati magicieni pe gheata … ! "


“Fabulos … o  seara de vis …incredibil… adevarati magicieni pe gheata…” sunt doar cateva din impresiile, la iesirea de pe patinoarul Flamaropol din Bucuresti a celor aproape 3000 de spectatori, care au ales sa-si petreaca duminica seara, in compania celor mai buni patinatori ai momentului, la a treia editie a spectacolului Kings on Ice 2010 - Olympic Tour.

A fost un spectacol aproape ireal, care s-a terminat precum a inceput si s-a desfasurat pe durata celor aproape doua ore: in aplauzele unui public frenetic, care a trait fiecare miscare a celor 16 magicieni ai ghetii.

Tarul patinajului, Evgheni Plushenko venit la Bucuresti, parca sa-si verse tot naduful pe ratarea atat de discutabila si nedreapta a aurului olimpic de la Vancouver. Frumuselul si elegantul Stephane Lambiel, care a starnit ropote de aplauze pentru liniile sale de pasi si piruete aproape ireale.

Gratiosii Aliona si Robin, care s-au completat impecabil. Tanarul de 20 de ani Florent Amodio care a vrut sa demonstreze cum se face un "Moonwalk" perfect pe gheata.

“Salbaticii frumosi” Natalie Pechalat si Fabian Bourzat care au transformat gheata in jungla si au imblanzit crocodilul. “Balerina” Denis Ten, care se anunta un nume ce va fi tiparit in paginile multor ziare.

Julia Sebestyen, care a tinut sa demonstreze de ce a ajuns campioana europeana in 2004. Fiona Zaldua si Dmitri Sukhanov care au taiat la propriu rasuflarea unei sali intregi cu exercitiile lor nerecomandate cardiacilor si totusi atat de bine controlate. Seducatoarea Fleur Maxwell, care transforma gheata intr-un podium de defilare.

Haiosii Alexei Polishuk si Robert Cording, sau ucraineanul si americanul care au vrut sa arate publicului ca “Stan si Bran” pot exista si pe gheata. Sergei Yakimenko, pentru care masinile nu s-au inventat sa calatoreasca cu ele ci sa faca salturi mortale peste ele. Jason Graetz canadianul cu picioare de cauciuc, care sfideaza gravitatia. Alaturi de acestia nu putea sa lipseasca Edvin Marton si vioara lui Stradivarius de 4 milioane euro, cu sunetul sau inconfundabil.

Fiecare miscare a celor 16 magnifici a fost din plin rasplatita de public cu aplauze si flori, multe flori, astfel ca la un moment dat Evgheni Plushenko nu s-a putut abtine sa nu declare romanilor : “ sunteti cei mai buni din lume” iar Stephane Lambiel sa exclame : "Je suis ici pour la premiere fois et vous etes IN-CRO-YAB-LES! Incroyables!".

A fost un spectacol complet de magie si adrenalina, cu o organizare aproape impecabila. Da, da, am spus bine, impecabila, chiar daca pentru multi pare greu de grezut, pentru ca suntem prea bine obisnuiti cu realitatea din Romania, insa Amphitrionul Ralucai Popescu a ajuns sa devina o garantie a calitatii, chiar daca putini cunosc pretul acestei stachete ridicate.

Din pacate, nici chiar incapatanarea acestei fete de a transforma cenusa in petale ( si de la care multi ar avea de invatat) nu poate acoperi lipsa unei sali de spectacole pe gheata sau chiar prostia unor agenti de paza, care nu stiu sa faca diferenta intre o camera foto profesionala si una de familie. BGS-ul stie la ce ma refer. ( G.G.)

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
ipv6 ready