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Friday, 14 March, 2025
Last Update 19:38
00:29    |    01/03/2010

Resonant bankruptcies vs surprising deliveries on the residential market

The financial crisis brought many developers in the situation to stop their projects, by lack of necessary financing to respect the delivery terms initially announced. Some developers could afford to wait for the recovery  of the market to resume the construction, others had to enter insolvency or declare bankruptcy.

British developer European Future Group (EFG), with a mini- town project in Buftea (Ilfov county) and investments worth 2.5 billion Euro planned in Romania went bust. Irish company Mivan- Kier, the developer of the shopping center Liberty Center, on Sos Progresului, in Bucharest and of a ten mall chain under Tiago brand  in Romania announced its insolvency. Other companies that entered insolvency were Turkish developers Ozer Construction, with a residential project in Sinaia (Prahova county) and Plus Development, the developer of the complex My Dream Residence on Sos Pipera- Tunari and the Indian company Copper Beach, investor in the residential complex Blue Tower in Colentina neighbourhood.

Despite these failures registered by the real estate market, 2009 was the year when the highest number so far of new apartments was delivered on the market, that is 6,000, according to real estate company Colliers. The new delivered apartments resulted mainly from large projects, which were launched on the market between 2006  and 2007 and which needed 2 to 3 years for completion. Right now, the stock of new apartments  exceeds 11,000 units, against 4,900 units in 2008 and another 5,000 apartments are expected in 2010.

But there were also developers that benefited from the necessary strategy and conditions to build at the pace they planned and managed to sell a significant number of dwellings. Romanian developer Green City Construct delivered last year the first stage of the project  Green City ( ), located in 1 December village (Ilfov county), 9 km away from Bucharest. The first development stage included 356 houses, of which the developer has sold so far 150.

“The price per sqm started from 557 Euro and the price of the land plot adds to this price. The first 30 families moved in December 2009. All the houses are connected to the water and gas networks and benefit from sewerage and electricity.” stated for Bucharest Herald Carmen Petcu, marketing and communication manager at Green City.

In December inside the complex opened, RedMarket, a discount store, part of Mega Image, owned by Belgian retailer Delhaize. Renaissance restaurant has been operational since 2008 and includes 200 seats inside, 50 seats on the terrace and an exterior playground area.

“At the beginning of this year the medical cabinet, the pharmacy, the grocery, where fruits and vegetables from the green houses of the complex will be sold,  the centre for video tapes renting will open and by the end of the year we will have sports courses, an artificial lake and a hotel with spa.” says Carmen Petcu.

The marketing director of Green City says the sales were alert and the occasional delivery delays were not caused by the financial crisis, but by the buyers’ requests, who asked a bigger personalization of the space. The sales were also boosted through the facilities offered by the developer.

“To boost the sales, we offered preferential prices to the buyers who decided to buy within 30 days from meeting the sales team for the first time. As the works advanced the buyers’ trust in the project increased. Last year we offered as bonus the kitchen furniture or we decorated the garden.” says Carmen Petcu.

As regards the road infrastructure the developer built a boulevard with two way lanes, for the access in the complex and inside Green City and there are also asphalted roads.


2009, anul contrastelor: Falimente rasunatoare vs livrari surprinzatoare pe piata rezidentiala

Criza financiara a adus multi dezvoltatori in situatia de a-si stopa proiectele, din lipsa finantarii necesare pentru a respecta termenele de livrare anuntate initial. Unii dezvoltatori si-au permis sa astepte revenirea pietei pentru a relua lucrarile, altii au fost nevoiti sa intre in insolventa sau sa declare faliment.

Dezvoltatorul britainic European Future Group (EFG), cu un proiect tip mini-oras in Buftea (judetul Ilfov) si investitii de 2,5 miliarde de Euro in Romania a intrat in faliment. Compania irlandeza Mivan- Kier, dezvoltatorul centrului comercial Liberty Center, de pe Sos Progresului si a unei retele de zece mall-uri, sub brand-ul Tiago in Romania si-a anuntat insolventa. Tot in insolventa au intrat anul trecut si dezvoltatorii turci Ozer Construction, cu un proiect rezidential in dezvoltare in Sinaia (judetul Prahova) si Plus Development, dezvoltatorul complexului My Dream Residence de pe Sos. Pipera- Tunari si compania indiana Copper Beach, investitor in ansamblul residential Blue Tower din cartierul Colentina.

In ciuda acestor esecuri inregistrate de piata imobiliara, 2009 a fost anul in care s-au livrat cele mai multe apartamente noi de pana acum, respectiv 6.000, potrivit companiei imobiliare Colliers. Livrările de apartamente noi au rezultat în primul rând din proiectele mari, care au fost lansate pe piaţă în perioada 2006 – 2007 si care au avut nevoie de 2-3 ani pentru finalizare. In prezent, stocul de apartamente noi se ridică la peste 11.000 de unităţi, fata de 4.900 unităţi in 2008 si se asteapta inca 5.000 de apartamente in 2010.

Au existat insa si dezvoltatori care au beneficiat de strategia si de conditiile necesare pentru a construi in ritmul pe care si l-au propus si au reusit chiar sa vanda un numar semnificativ din aceste locuinte. Dezvoltatorul roman Green City Construct a livrat anul trecut prima faza din proiectul Green City ( ), localizat in comuna 1 Decembrie (judetul Ilfov), la 9 km de Bucuresti.  Prima faza de constructie a inclus 356 de case, din care dezvoltatorul a vandut pana in prezent 150 de unitati.

“Pretul pe metru patrat construit incepe de 557 de Euro, iar la aceasta suma se adauga pretul terenului. Primele 30 de familii s-au mutat in luna decembrie 2009. Toate casele sunt racordate la reteaua de apa, gaze, canalizare si curent electric.” a declarat pentru Bucharest Herald Carmen Petcu, director de marketing si comunicare la Green City.

Tot in decembrie s-a deschis, in interiorul complexului, RedMarket, un magazin tip discount din reteaua Mega Image, detinuta de retailerul belgian Delhaize. Restaurantul Renaissance este functional din 2008 si dispune de 200 de locuri in interior, 50 de locuri pe terasa si de spatiu exterior de joaca amenajat.

“La inceputul acestui an se vor deschide cabinetul medical, farmacia, aprozarul, in care vor fi comercializate produse din serele proprii, sala de fitness, centrul de inchirieri casete video, iar pana la finalul anului vom avea terenuri de sport, lac artificial, hotel cu spa.” spune Carmen Petcu.

Directorul de marketing al Green City spune ca vanzarile au mers intr-un ritm alert, iar intarzierile ocazionale nu s-au datorat crizei financiare, ci cerintelor locatarilor, care au solicitat o personalizare mai mare a spatiului. Vanzarile au fost insa impulsionate si de facilitati acordate de dezvoltator.

“Pentru a impulsiona vanzarile, am acordat preturi preferentiale cumparatorilor care au luat decizia de cumparare in 30 de zile din momentul primului contact cu echipa de vanzari. De asemenea, pe masura ce lucrarile au avansat, increderea cumparatorilor in proiect a crescut. Pe parcursul anului trecut am acordat ca bonus realizarea mobilierului de bucatarie sau amenajarea gradinii.” spune Carmen Petcu.

In ceea ce priveste infrastructura rutiera, dezvoltatorul a construit un bulevard cu doua benzi de sens, pentru accesul in complex, iar in interiorul Green City, exista drumuri asfaltate intre toate punctele de interes.
Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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