The personal car, considered indispensable by eastern- Europeans and regarded as a supplementary comfort element by western Europeans, accessible especially to those with high incomes, has become for many, after the beginning of the crisis, a much too expensive acquisition. If by 2009 the Europeans used to changed their cars frequently, for newer and more reliable models and the leasing acquisitions had reached an impressive market share, last year the investments in the auto market declined significantly.
In Europe the auto market dropped 1.6 per cent in 2009, to 14.48 million units, against 14.7 million units in 2008, according to the statistics of the European Car Manufactures Association (ACEA). The results are much more concerning in Romania, where the auto market saw a decline exceeding 50 per cent in 2009, the newest data of the Romanian Car Importers (APIA) reveal. Last year, 10 per cent of the 400 car dealers in Romania went bust, according to APIA. Many of them had to sell the cars on losses, to finish the stocks, which modified their profits significantly.
Dacia remained the best selling car in Romania in 2009, with a total of 41,862 sold units and a 28.3 per cent market share. The domestic producer was followed by Hyundai, with 10,982 units and Volkswagen, with 10,916. In 2009, no Rolls-Royce or Corvette was sold in Romania, while two Romanians bought each a Cadillac, another two bought a Hummer and a Maybach and seven chose Maserati.
Honda car sales declined 61 per cent
Japanese car producer Honda, the fifth car producer worldwide, saw natural sales decline on the Romanian market in 2009. The first authorized Honda dealer in Romania, Carpati Motors, that holds a 23 per cent market share, reported sales 61 per cent lower in 2009, against 2008. The sales leader in Carpati Motors’ portfolio was the SUV CRV, the first SUV produced by the Japanese manufacturer in1996, launched at the same time with Subaru Forester and two years after JDM Nissan Rasheen.
“The sales structure was: CRV – 36 %, Civic 5D – 24 %, Accord – 18 %, Civic 4D – 16 %, Jazz – 6 %. The criteria according to which Honda cars were chosen were: reliance, low fuel consumption, information regarding the advanced Honda techniques, low polution degree, perfect price- quality ratio, the increase of confidence in the Japanese cars in general and price cuts or promotional prices over the year.” says Andrei Benzal, sales manager at Carpati Motors.
In 2009 Romanians bought small and cheap cars or second hand cars
Carpati Motors’ sales manager says that in 2009 the car sales depended on the price and on the ability to get financing. Last year most Romanians bought small and cheap cars, irrespective of the brand, the prices of which did not exceed 15,000 Euro.
“For those who owned Honda cars before, the decision was simple: they bought a new model from the same brand. For others the decision depended on financing and the acquisition trend in 2009 favored the small and cheap cars, on prices between 10,000 and 14,000 de Euro, irrespective of the brand. Many sold their old cars and paid the advance for a new car, bought through baking loan or leasing.” says Andrei Benzal.
In contrast with the new car market, the second hand car market went up in 2009, especially due to the decline of the second-hand car prices on the European markets. Last year the second hand car market outran the new car market: 212,000 units from this category were sold, almost double than the130,000 new cars sold, according to APIA.
The number of second hand Honda cars outran the number of new cars, by over 100 units. A number of 1,100 second hand Honda cars were sold, against 986 new Honda cars, in 2009, in Romania.
“The results prove one more time that the budget allotted by the customers for the acquisition ranged between 5,000 and 8,000 Euro.” stresses Andrei Benzal.
Free service, fuel and accessories
To offset the negative sales results, besides cutting the prices, the dealers offered attractive bonuses to customers, such as free service for several years, free fuel and accessories.
“We offered to our potential customers free service for three years or 60,000 kilometers, between 500 and 1000 liters of free fuel, accessories such as car carpets, supplementary alarms systems, parking sensors, winter packages including tyers.” explains Andrei Benzal.
The financial difficulties and the legislation in place, which do not allow the deduction of the VAT on new car acquisitions or the deduction of the fuel, have significantly reduced the number of companies that extended their own fleet with new cars in 2009. The amount of individual customers outran by far the amount of corporate customers in Honda’s portfolio last year.
In 2010 Honda will launch on the Romanian market the models: Civic Insight, CR-Z and CRV 2.2 diesel with automatic gear box and face- lift.
The forecasts on the auto market are not exactly optimistic in 2010 either. This year the car sales will be affected by the pollution tax and the new car dealers will be in fierce competition with the leasing companies which will have to sell a high number of returned cars. The market could yet be boosted by the fast launching of „Rabla” programme and the relauching of the car loans by the banks.
“The car market will decline by 10- 15 per cent in 2010, against 2010.” thinks Andrei Benzal.
Andrei Benzal, dealer Honda: Romanii au cumparat masini mici si ieftine sau second- hand in 2009
Autoturismul personal, considerat indispensabil de est- europeni si privit de vestici ca un element de confort suplimentar, accesibil in special celor cu venituri mari, a devenit pentru multi un bun greu de achizitionat, dupa debutul crizei financiare. Daca pana in 2009 europenii isi schimbau masinile personale frecvent, pentru modele mai noi si mai performante, iar achizitiile in leasing atinsesera o cota de piata impresionanta, anul trecut investitiile in piata auto s-au diminuat semnificativ.
In Europa piata auto a scazut in 2009 cu 1,6 la suta, la 14,48 milioane unitati, fata de 14,7 milioane de unitati in 2008, conform statisticilor Asociatiei Constructorilor Europeni de Automobile (ACEA). Rezultatele sunt mult mai ingrijoratoare in Romania, unde piata auto a cunoscut in 2009, un declin de peste 50 la suta, releva cele mai noi date ale Asociatiei Producatorilor si Importatorilor de Automobile din Romania (APIA). Anul trecut, 10 la suta dintre cei 400 de dealeri auto din Romania au dat faliment, potrivit APIA. Multi dintre ei au fost nevoiti sa vanda in pierdere pentru a scapa de stocuri, ceea ce le-a modificat profiturile simtitor.
Dacia a ramas cea mai vanduta masina din Romania in 2009, cu un total de 41.862 unitati vandute si o cota de piata de 28, 3 la suta. Producatorul autohton de automobile a fost urmat la mare distanta de Hyundai, cu 10.982 unitati, si Volkswagen, cu 10.916. In 2009, nu s-a vandut in Romania niciun Rolls-Royce sau Corvette, in timp ce doi romani si-au achizitionat cate un Cadillac, alti doi au optat pentru Hummer, respectiv Maybach, iar sapte au preferat Maserati.
Vanzarile de autoturisme Honda au scazut cu 61 la suta
Producatorul auto japonez Honda, al cincelea la nivel mondial, a inregistrat scaderi firesti ale vanzarilor pe piata romaneasca in 2009. Primul dealer autorizat Honda din Romania, Carpati Motors, care detine o cota de piata de 23 la suta, a raportat vanzari cu 61 la suta mai mici in 2009, comparativ cu 2008. Liderul de vanzari in porofoliul Carpati Motors a fost SUV-ul crossover CRV, primul SUV produs de compania japoneza din 1996, lansat in aceeasi perioada cu Subaru Forester si la doi ani dupa JDM Nissan Rasheen.
“Structura vanzarilor a fost urmatoarea : CRV – 36 %, Civic 5D – 24 %, Accord – 18 %, Civic 4D – 16 %, Jazz – 6 %. Criteriile dupa care au fost alese autoturismele Honda au fost: fiabilitate, consum redus de combustibil, cunoasterea tehnologilor avansate folosite de HONDA, grad de poluare redus, raport optim intre calitate si prêt, cresterea increderii in “masini japoneze” in general si reduceri de prêt sau promotii in diferite perioade.” spune Andrei Benzal, director de vanzari Carpati Motors.
In 2009 romanii au achizitionat masini noi mici si ieftine sau masini second- hand
Directorul de vanzari al Carpati Motors spune ca in 2009 vanzarile auto au fost conditionate in special de pret si de posibilitatea de a obtine finantare. Anul trecut romanii au achizitionat in mare parte masini mici si ieftine, indiferent de marca, ale caror preturi nu au depasit 15.000 de Euro.
“Pentru cei care au mai avut autoturisme Honda, decizia a fost simpla: si-au cumparat un model nou din aceeasi marca. Pentru altii decizia a depins de finantare, iar tendita de achizitie in 2009 a fost in favoarea masinilor mici si iefitine, cu preturi intre 10.000 si 14.000 de Euro, indiferent de marca. Multi si-au vandut masinile vechi si au platit avansul pentru o masina noua, cumparata cu credit bancar sau in leasing.” spune Andrei Benzal.
In contrast cu piata auto noua, piata second hand a inregistrat crestere in 2009, in mod deosebit datorita scaderii preturilor la masinile second-hand pe pietele din Europa. Anul trecut piaţa auto second hand a surclasat piaţa de automobile noi, comercializându-se 212.000 unităţi, aproape dublu faţă de totalul de 130.000 de unităţi de automobile noi vândute , potrivit APIA.
Numarul de masini second- hand Honda a depasit numarul de masini noi, cu peste 100 de unitati. S-au vandut 1.100 de masini Honda second hand, fata de 986 de autoturisme Honda noi, in 2009, in Romania.
“Rezultatele demonstreaza inca o data ca bugetul alocat de catre clienti pentru achizitie a fost intre 5.000 si 8.000 de Euro.” subliniaza Andrei Benzal.
Revizii, combustibil si accesorii gratuite
Pentru a contracara rezultatele negative ale vanzarilor, pe langa reducerea preturilor, dealerii au oferit bonusuri atragatoare pentru clienti, precum revizii gratuite pe o perioada de cativa ani, combustibil gratuit si accesorii.
“Le-am oferit potentialilor nostri clienti revizii gratuite timp de trei ani sau 60.000 de km, intre 500 si 1000 de litri de combustibil gratuity, accesorii precum covorase, alarme suplimentare, senzori de parcare, pachete de iarna cu jante si anvelope.” explica Andrei Benzal.
Dificultatile financiare si legislatia in vigoare care nu permite deducerea TVA la achizitionarea de masini noi sau deducerea combustibilului au redus semnificativ numarul companiilor care si-au extins flota cu masini noi in 2009. Ponderea clientilor individuali a depasit cu mult ponderea clientilor corporate in portofoliul Honda anul trecut.
In 2010 Honda va lansa pe piata din Romania modelele: Civic Insight, CR-Z si modelul CRV 2.2 diesel cu cutie automata si face- lift.
Previziunile pentru piata auto nu sunt tocmai optimiste nici in 2010. Anul acesta vanzarile auto vor fi afectate si de taxa de poluare, iar dealerii de masini noi vor fi intr-o competitie acerba cu firmele de leasing care vor trebui sa vanda un numar mare de masini returnate. Piata ar putea fi impulsionata totusi de lansarea rapida a programului „Rabla” şi relansarea creditării auto din partea băncilor.
“Piata auto va scadea cu 10- 15 la suta in 2010, comparative cu 2010.” este de parere Andrei Benzal.
00:15 | 01/03/2010
Romanians bought small and cheap cars or second hand cars in 2009