Bucharest is the only city of Eastern Europe included in the ‘Old Ideas’ tour of Leonard Cohen, who will hold a concert here on September 22. The tour will take the Canadian artist to Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Turkey, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.
All VIP Exclusive, VIP Front Stage and First Category tickets are sold-out, organizers announced.
Last week, Cohen performed live for 3 hours and 10 minutes in Berlin.
In his tour, the musician is accompanied by Roscoe Beck (bass, contrabass, musical manager), Neil Larsen (harmonica, other instruments), Rafael Gayol (drums), Mitch Watkins (guitar), Javier Mas (guitar), Sharon Robinson & Webb Sisters (backing vocals), and by Moldovan violinist Alexandru Bublitchi.
The Bucharest concert will take place in the Piata Constitutiei Square, with support from the Bucharest Municipality and Local Council.
Following a long tour of two years all throughout the world, in August 2011, Cohen completed work on the studio album, Old Ideas, with producer Ed Sanders. The album was released on 27 January 2012.The lyric for the song "Going Home" was originally published as a poem in The New Yorker magazine in January 2012, prior to the record's release. The album received uniformly positive reviews from publications like Rolling Stone, the Chicago Tribune, and The Guardian. At a record release party for the album in January 2012, Cohen spoke with The New York Times reporter Jon Pareles who states that "mortality was very much on his mind and in his songs." Pareles goes to characterize the album as "an autumnal album, musing on memories and final reckonings, but it also has a gleam in its eye. It grapples once again with topics Mr. Cohen has pondered throughout his career: love, desire, faith, betrayal, redemption. Some of the diction is biblical; some is drily sardonic.
The artist left the music scene in early ‘90s to live in a California Buddhist monastery, where he become a monk and got the name Jikan (silence
The last tickets still available can be purchased in the Eventim network: the Germanos, Orange, Vodafone and Domo stores, the Humanitas and Carturesti bookshops anb online at www.eventim.ro.
Accommodation possibilities for tourists:
Hotel Howard Johnson Grand Plaza J is located in the city’s center, dominating the entire capital and offering guests an amazing view. It is located close to the most appreciated stores, restaurants and clubs and the most important tourist objectives in Bucharest.
Address: 5-7 Calea Dorobantilor, Sector 1
Hotel NH Bucharest is located on Mircea Voda Boulevard, in the former Jewish quarter, close to the National Library, about 300 meters from Unirii Square.
The hotel’s accommodation offer consists of 78 luxury rooms, with state of the art amenities: internet connection, climate control system, cable TV, working desk, safe, mini-bar, coffee maker, hair dryer, smoke detectors.
Address: 21 Mircea Voda Blvd, Sector 3
- Hotel Tempo 3*
Hotel Tempo: Benefits from privileged location in downtown Bucharest, behind the National Theater, but also from services that go beyond the three-star units’ standards.
Address: 19 Armand Calinescu, Sector 2
Bucureşti - singurul oraş din Europa de Est inclus în turneul lui Leonard Cohen
Bucureştiul este singurul oraş din Europa de Est în care, pe 22 septembrie, va concerta canadianul Leonard Cohen, în cadrul turneului "Old Ideas", ce va cuprinde ţări precum Belgia, Olanda, Danemarca, Suedia, Norvegia, Finlanda, Germania, Marea Britanie, Irlanda, Turcia, Italia, Franţa, Spania şi Portugalia.
Potrivit organizatorilor, toate biletele VIP Exclusive, VIP Front Stage şi cele din categoria I au fost epuizate.
Săptămâna trecută, turneul a poposit la Berlin, unde artistul a susţinut un recital de trei ore şi zece minute, compus din două părţi.
În actualul turneu mondial, Leonard Cohen are alături grupul de acompaniament din care fac parte Roscoe Beck (bas, contrabass, director muzical), Neil Larsen (acordeon, alte instrumente cu clape), Rafael Gayol (tobe, percuţie), Mitch Watkins (chitară), Javier Mas (chitară, lăută), Sharon Robinson & Webb Sisters (voci adiţionale), precum şi violonistul moldovean Alexandru Bublitchi.
Concertul Leonard Cohen de la Bucureşti va avea loc în Piaţa Constituţiei din Capitală.
După un lung periplu pe toate meridianele globului, în perioada 2008 - 2010, după seri de spectacole în care Leonard Cohen a cules aplauze furtunoase din partea spectatorilor cuceriţi definitiv de muzica sa, albumul "Old Ideas" aduce "zece cântece noi, pe care nimeni nu le ştie, dar toţi le vor preţui", piese care fac să explodeze inima şi zguduie trupul, dărâmă barierele întregii lumi, cum numai muzicianul canadian poate să o facă.
"Old Ideas Tour 2012" pune faţă în faţă cântecele de pe noul album şi majoritatea pieselor care l-au transformat în legendă pe poetul-cântăreţ.
Odată cu lansarea albumului "Old Ideas", Leonard Cohen a primit un cadou neaşteptat din partea întregului mapamond: încă din prima săptămână de apariţia pe piaţă, materialul discografic s-a clasat pe primul loc în topurile din întreaga lume. Este o premieră chiar şi pentru un artist atât de iubit cum este Leonard Cohen.
Artistul canadian a părăsit scena muzicală la începutul anilor '90 pentru a se stabili şi trăi într-o mănăstire budistă din California, unde a devenit călugăr şi a primit prenumele Jikan, care înseamnă "tăcere".
În 2011, Leonard Cohen a fost recompensat cu Helpmann Award pentru concertul său susţinut în Australia, la Hanging Rock, cu premiul Prinţul Asturiei pentru Litere şi cu Glenn Gold Award pentru contribuţia adusă artelor.
Ultimele bilete la concertul Leonard Cohen se găsesc la vânzare prin reţeaua Eventim: magazinele Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo, Librăriile Humanitas, Cărtureşti şi pe www.eventim.ro.