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Last Update 13:59
00:08    |    06/04/2012

Figure skating feast in Bucharest: Kings on Ice 2012 begins!

The Mihai Flamaropol skating rink will host this Saturday the fourth edition of the show Kings on Ice, which will bring to Bucharest some of the world’s best skaters, together with Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko and violinist Edvin Marton. The event organized by Amphitrion and supported by OTP Bank will be held on Saturday, April 7 and will consist of two performances: from 3 pm and 8 pm.


Brian Joubert, Stephane Lambiel, Surya Bonaly, Fumie Suguri, Laura Lepisto, together with the pairs Ekaterina Bobrova - Dmitri Soloviev,  Vera Bazarova - Yuri Larionov, are only part of the European and world champions that will join “tsar” Evgeni Plushenko in a remarkable skating demonstration. The shows will be hosted by Alina Alexoi, a famous name in the world og sports, begin one of the most active commentators and producers of sports shows in Romania.

The Kings on Ice concept is one of the most spectacular demonstrative figure skating shows in Romania, a sold out show ever since it began in 2007. This year’s edition is no exception as the first show scheduled, the one beginning at 8 pm, was sold out almost two months before. Tickets to the 3 pm show are almost sold out too.

The last remaining tickets can be purchased in Diverta stores and the box office of Mihai Flamaropol skating rink, as of Saturday morning. Access into the venue is possible one hour before the show, as of 2 pm and 7 pm, respectively. The audience is asked to leave home any professional cameras and put on warm clothes because the temperature in the venue is low.


Regal de patinaj artistic la Bucuresti: Incepe Kings On Ice 2012 !


Patinoarul Mihai Flamaropol va gazdui sambata aceasta cea de-a patra editie a spectacolului Kings On Ice, care ii va aduce la Bucuresti pe cativa dintre cei mai buni patinatori ai lumii, alaturi de campionul olimpic Evgeni Plushenko si violonistul Edvin Marton. Evenimentul organizat de Amphitrion si sustinut de OTP Bank, se va desfasura sambata, 7 aprilie, si va avea doua reprezentatii: de la ora 15:00, respectiv ora 20:00. 

Brian Joubert, Stephane Lambiel, Surya Bonaly, Fumie Suguri, Laura Lepisto, alaturi de perechile Ekaterina Bobrova - Dmitri Soloviev,  Vera Bazarova - Yuri Larionov, sunt o parte dintre campionii europeni si mondiali, ce se vor alatura „tarului” Evgeni Pluskenko intr-o serie de reprezentatii remarcabile, ce vor surprinde prin emotie, pasiune, muzica si demonstratii impresionante de patinaj. Cea care va prezenta cele doua spectacole va fi Alina Alexoi, nume reprezentativ pentru lumea sportului, fiind unul dintre cei mai activi comentatori, prezentatori si totodata realizatori de emisiuni sportive din Romania.

Conceptul Kings On Ice este unul dintre cele mai spectaculoase show-uri demonstrative de patinaj artistic din Romania, care incepand din 2007 se desfasoara cu casa inchisa. Nici editia din acest an nu va face exceptie, prima reprezentatie programata pentru 7 aprilie, incepand cu ora 20:00, fiind declarata sold-out cu aproape doua luni inainte de aceasta data. Interesul publicului roman pentru acest eveniment i-a convins insa pe tinerii sportivi sa programeze un nou spectacol, in aceeasi zi, incepand cu ora 15:00, biletele pentru acesta fiind si ele aproape de epuizare.

Ultimele bilete ramase disponibile pentru matineu mai pot fi achizitionate din reteaua magazinelor Diverta, dar si de la casa de bilete a patinoarului Mihai Flamaropol, incepand de sambata dimineata. Accesul in incinta patinoarului se va face cu o ora inainte de inceperea spectacolelor, respectiv orele 14:00 si 19:00, spectatorii fiind rugati sa lase acasa aparatele foto profesionale, precum si camerele de inregistrat si sa se imbrace gros, temperatura din incinta patinoarului fiind scazuta.

Confesiuni Jurnalistice
cu George Grigoriu
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