An agitated, dusty day in the Capital traffic, with tensed meetings and slalom among the daily issues, that require immediate solutions, can end in a pleasant way in a location dominated by perfect harmony between interior design, refined dishes and relaxing music. The receipt seems simple, but the location is more difficult to find, for those that have not been acquainted to the secrets of the Japanese cuisine.
Those keen on Japanese food art will definitely reach fast Maiko Restaurant ( ), on Str Grigore Gafencu 27- 29, near the French Village. They will enter here a large, open space, but paradoxically, able to create intimacy for each guest, through design and services. The stress lays on the spectacular bright setting, combining stone, wood, water, plants and warm shades of yellow, red and scarlet.
With a capacity of approximately 120 seats, the restaurant is divided in several areas, with various thematic, suggesting the idea of a protected and mysterious space at the same time. “The restaurant has a modern style, adjusted to the European tastes. We have tried to create a lively and comfortable space, leaving out the sober Japanese design elements, such as colours like black, grey and brown.” Alina Suruceanu, general manager of Maiko Restaurant says.
Those who long for a romantic evening around the fire can chose the chill out area in the restaurant, a circular space including a modern fireplace and comfortable couches. The famous sushi must be savoured in a suitable space, at the first floor of the restaurant, where a special area, where the chef prepares the special dish in front of the customers, was built. A Japanese garden was also built at the first floor, with many plants, stone and water.
A special dinner with friends, can be savoured quietly inside the tatami, a room with a floor from rice straws and a long table, around which the guests sit on pillows or on legless chairs. The room’s door is closed when the customers enter and the only ones who have access there are the waiters, dressed in traditional Japanese suits as well, who bring the dishes one by one.
The restaurant has three types of menus: a main menu, a sushi menu and a teppan menu. Among the dishes in the main menu, that contains a lot of fish there are salmon with vegetable with flavoured sesame sauce, spicy soup with tiger shrimps and white fish or grilled foie gras with forest fruits sauce “Ki- inchigo”. The rice and the pasta with vegetables, chicken and sea fruits are present as well.
The sushi menu contains many types of fish and sea fruits, among which white, blue or marble tuna, salmon, cuttlefish or octopus, cooked with rice. The teppan menu is a menu prepared on kitchen ranges in front of the customers and includes dishes such as Scotish salmon, “Saint Jacques” oysters, veal and duck breast and deserts like sakura- the desert with sakura flavour and sesame sauce, tofu desert with raspberry sauce and fried ice cream and fruits.
The prices range between 28 and 255 RON for a dish within the teppan menu and a special lunch menu, that includes soup, fried rice with egg, fish, chicken or pork, costs 100 RON per person. Kobe- style Wagyu beef is one of the specialities of the restaurant, a type of beef, with very fine taste, highly appreciated by the customers. “This is a special beef race, which, if fed as it should, grows very fine fat layers, that look like striations, and the meat looks like marble.” the general director of Maiko explains.
Maiko Restaurant
Address: Str Grigore Gafencu 27- 29, Sector 1, Bucuresti (French Village)
Phone number: 021 233 26 33; 0751 262 465
Maiko - sushi, design spectaculos si infuzie de cultura japoneza
O zi agitata si prafuita in traficul din Capitala cu intalniri de afaceri tensionate si slalom printre problemele cotidiene a caror rezolvare nu sufera amanare, se poate finaliza in mod placut intr-un cadru dominat de armonie perfecta intre design interior, preparate culinare rafinate si muzica relaxanta. Reteta pare simpla, insa locatia e mai greu de gasit pentru cei care nu cunosc inca tainele bucatariei japoneze.
Pasionatii de arta culinara japoneza vor ajunge, insa, cu siguranta rapid pe Str Grigore Gafencu 27- 29, in apropierea Satului Francez, la restaurantul Maiko. Aici vor patrunde intr-un spatiu larg, deschis, insa, in mod paradoxal capabil sa creeze intimitate pentru fiecare invitat in parte prin design si servicii. Accentul cade pe decorul spectaculos, luminos, realizat prin imbinarea dintre piatra, lemn, apa, plante si nuante calde de galben, rosu, bordeaux.
Cu o capacitate de aproximativ 120 de locuri, restaurantul este divizat in mai multe zone, cu diferite tematici, care induc ideea unui spatiu protejat si misterios in acelasi timp. “Stilul restaurantului este unul modern, adaptat gusturilor europene. Am incercat sa creem un spatiu viu si confortabil, excluzand elementele sobre de design japonez, cum sunt culorile negru, gri si maro.” spune Alina Suruceanu, director general Restaurant Maiko.
Cei care isi doresc o seara romantica in jurul focului pot alege zona de chill out din restaurant, un spatiu circular care cuprinde un semineu modern si canapele conforatbile. Vestitul sushi trebuie servit intr-un spatiu propice, la etajul restaurantului, unde este amenajata o zona speciala in care bucatarul prepara specialitatea in fata clientilor. Tot la etaj a fost amenajata si o gradina japoneza cu multe plante specifice, piatra si apa.
O cina speciala cu prietenii, intr-un cadru restrans poate fi savurata in liniste in tatami, o sala cu o podea din paie de orez si o masa lunga, in jurul careia invitatii stau pe perne sau pe niste scaune fara picioare. Sala se inchide in momentul in care intra clientii, iar singurii care mai au acces sunt ospatarii, imbracati si ei in costume traditionale japoneze, care aduc pe rand felurile de mancare.
Restaurantul are trei tipuri de meniuri: un meniu principal, un meniu sushi si un meniu teppan. Printre preparatele din meniul principal, care contine mult peste, se numara rucola si pui, somon cu legume servit cu sos aromat de susan, supa picanta cu creveti tigru si peste alb sau foie gras la gratar cu sos din fructe de padure “Ki- inchigo”. Nu lipsesc nici orezul si pastele cu legume, pui si fructe de mare.
Meniul sushi contine multe tipuri de peste si fructe de mare, printre care ton alb, albastru sau marmura, somon, sepie sau caracatita, pregatit cu orez. Meniul teppan este un meniu preparta pe plite teppan chiar in fata clientilor si include preparate precum somon scotian, scoici “Saint Jacques”, creveti regali, vitel de lapte si piept de rata si deserturi cum ar fi sakura- desertul cu aroma de sakura si sos de susan, desert din tofu cu sos de zmeura sau inghetata prajita si fructe.
Preturile variaza intre 28 si 255 de RON pentru un preparat din meniul teppan, iar un meniu special, pentru pranz, care include supa, orez prajit cu ou, peste, pui sau ceafa de porc si o salata, costa 100 RON de persoana. Una dintre specialitatile restaurantului este “cobbeef”, un tip de carne de vita cu un gust foarte fin, foarte apreciata de clienti. “Este o rasa speciala de vita, care, hranita corespunzator face straturi de grasime foarte fine, care arata ca niste striatii, iar carnea pare din marmura.” explica direcorul general al Restaurantului Maiko.
Restaurantul Maiko
Adresa: Str Grigore Gafencu 27- 29, Sector 1, Bucuresti (Satul Francez)
Telefon: 021 233 26 33; 0751 262 465